She also told us the geese are back! She saw five yesterday morning on the icy pond, lookin over the nest. Oh, boy, yeller babies ina spring!! Bet if you look close you can see the nest. It is straight above Mistrie's head on the far shore.....can you see it?
I checked the back door. I even went out for 10 seconds...TOO COLD!! But I saw the geese go over yesterday afternoon... Spring is coming ...spring is coming... watch out field mice, I will be back on duty soon. ROKON
Thanks for visitin' our bloggie! We're still workin' on the pictures...
It looks COLD where you are! We've been lucky this year and haven't had much snow... yet anyway.
You are sooooooo lucky to be allowed outside. Snow or not, my mom refuses to allow us outside.
Ugh!! I just need some opposable thumbs and I would be able to open the door myself!
Mistrie's hiney looks cold. Ok, maybe she's not cold, but MY hiney would be cold in all that snow. - Sammy
Hi Patches...(My mom is writing this for me, Sweetie...so forgive her if she does stupid human things..)
Thanks for welcoming me to the Huge Blogesphere so warmly. I'm not sure how often I will post, but...it's so nice to have a home for my thoughts....like you and all the other furries.
Brrrrr! But the GEESE.
it's really cool you have a pond and geese. i may want to relocate soon....
Geese! Cool!!! We want to see the babies when they come... not for any nefarious purposes, I assure you...
~ moose
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