Mom said Mimi was such a good boy and would let her dress him up in baby bonnets and clothes and she could push him in the doll buggy. (It appears to me mine Mom didn't know how to hold him.)
This was before they knew about Rainbow Bridge and her mom told her that Mimi was up in the clouds.....
Years ago, when mine Mom made her website she added Rainbow Bridge where people can add their kitties and woofies. I am giving you the link, if you want to check it out.
Boy, either she was a wee-little girl or that cat is ginormous!
Are you sure Mimi was a boy? His name and affinity for being dressed as a baby and pushed in a buggy makes me think he may have been a girl...or a very feminine Tom. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!
Thank you Patches. No wonder your mom loves kitties - she had a wonderful first kitty to practice on. (I assume you and Mittens have said a polite "No thanks" to the dressing up bit.)
~ Turtle :-)
Mimi looks like a pretty BIG cat - that's a good thing in my book! I asked my mum if she had any pics of her with her first kitties and she is going to have a look for some to show me.
I agree with Kukka-Maria ... Mimi was a big one. As big as your mom.
She is squeezing that kitty's guts pretty bad in that picture! Your rainbow page is very pretty.
Go to Ms. Mia's site and look! We both got "tagged" by her...
~ turtle
Wonderful post. Thank you.
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