This was kind of sad. Mine Mom founded this Haiku poem, written by Mistrie, our outside semi-feral torbie girl cat. You must understand, it has been furry cold and windy here in A State Of Winter. She had written it with her paw in the snow and Mom came across it.
Alone and lonesome
I come to the window pane
Share some love with me
Oh no .... that iz so sad. And her little toes must ov got so cold writing in thuh snow. We can orl send our love to her - do yu think that will help?
Mistrie - you're ready to come inside. It'll take awhile to adjust. Trust your kitty mom and the Calico Girls. We're almost ready to make our entry into the main house in less than 3 weeks. Be brave because we know you are!
Lonely Mistrie Rose
Try try try to go inside
You will get much love
Lovely Mistrie Rose
So beautiful and alone
My heart purrs for you
hello ..nice blog and pictures..welcome to my blog too meow| =^.^=
meows is the same to grrmeow-meows is a cat that said meow =^.^=
Yes, Mystrie needs to come inside. Poor cold kitty.
Awwwww...that is very poignant. Poor little Mistrie out in the snow, and she is so pretty too. Makes me want to invite her on to my fleecy blanket to snuggle up in the warm!
We hope she decides to come in and be loved. She clearly already loves you.
~ tammara
Mistrie, lovely cat
Enter into warming love
With Patches, Mittens
Give your trust to them
They will keep you safe and warm
Bask in the fire glow
Come inside Mistrie, we all love you.
ohhh, that's a sad and beautiful haiku. My Momma loves that pi'ture too.
Poor sweet mistrie cat
From this torbie girl to you
Please please go inside
Aw.I feel bad for her. I wish she would go inside where it's warm...
When she is ready, she will find her way inside. (I hope it's soon)
And then she probably won't ever want to go out in the cold again...
I had an outdoor cat...It got cold, and possibly the neighbors didn't pay attention...
I now have three outdoor cats and one family of Racoons. My cup runeth over, as does my feed bill...Oh well...
Aw, Mistrie! It's nice inside, really.
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