Looking For Spring
The other day I wrote about Spring. Mom said it was right around the corner, so I told Mistrie. Now, she too, is looking for it, around every corner, every tree, every bush. She checked really good in the woodshed, where she sleeps, and even went out to the big shed where Dad stores the machine that chews up grass and the water rider Mom calls a boat. She reports so far, no luck spotting it. She said she would keep an eye out, along with watching for birds, mice, blowing leaves, coyotes, peoples, bugs, in fact anything moving that she might chase and catch/eat. She hopes it won't be too long, she is sick of winters .
Sownds like Mistrie is kept bizzy with orl those things to look out for. Includin' Spring. But yu kan tell her that Spring will suddenly wun day be there - it will happen orl by itself and she will know "now it's Spring, today - winter is orl gone" ... and thuh sun will shine and thuh flowers will be bright to see.
looks like Mistrie needs some boots to walk through that snow. Since we are not allowed outside, we can only look out the big window and see what is happening. Trixie and Norton have had many Springs, but Sammy has only hadded 1, I have not hadded ANY yet. I don't know what a Spring looks like. Hopefully Mistrie will tell me when she sees it, so I can look for it too. - Miles
we have snowdrops and crocuses and hellebores now, so Spring can't be too far off!!
The birdies are starting to do their thing that looks like fighting, but isn't. That's a sign.
is there any way that Mistrie would come in? it makes me sad to see her all alone out there.
Does Mistrie like the indoors or is she afraid of being inside with 'beans? Our Mom has known cats like that she says. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
I think I have spring here. I'm trying to send it to everykitties, but I can't quite figure out how to get it to move and stay here at the same time...
We hopes spring comes soon for Mistrie and you! It am colder where you are than where we are, and we am all tired of winter too!
Spring has sprung here! We even have tulips!
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