Monday, May 19, 2008

Winter Update

I haven't seen Winter for over a month now. (I just feel Winter was a boy.) He was fine when I last saw him, I even got quite close. I guess he was waiting for enough of the snow to melt so he could go back to his furrever home (I think he got trapped here when the snow got so heavy.) I miss him, but Mistrie doesn't. She just couldn't accept another cat in HER territory, and this has been her home and she has staked Hemlock Haven, where Winter was, as hers. I put down soft shaving and limbed the trees up a little, so she has a nice big area now. I will change the bedding on the two beds, although it is too warm to use them now.

Maybe Winter will come back, true to his name, next Winter. He is always welcome in The Big Piney Woods.

~CalicoMom Toni~


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope that Winter has found a lovely place to be!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Sounds like he is off on new adventures, but he now knows where to go if he needs a warm bed or good food.
Mistrie really is the head honcho, out there!

Renna the Princess Puppy said...

I'm sure Winter is curled up in his forever home, on his own window seal! Now he has a refuge in case he get stuck again!

Just Ducky said...

I hope Winter has a good home somewhere. He has a good 'home away from home'.