Friday, May 09, 2008

Friday Fright

Patches got really scairt the ofurr day. The story goes like this:

I am known as "The Grand Climber. I went to the top of the tree, and claimed it as mine. Patches has nefurr been to the top, and she wanted to show me she could do it, in fact, I think she wanted to stake a claim to it. But the funny part was, she didn't know how to get down. She circled and circled and tried and tried, finally Momma had to rescue her. You cud tell she was bare-assed. (See how my ear is inside out, that is done on purrpuss.)

That is Mistsrie's bed you see outside.

~Precious Flower~


Shaggy and Scout said...

You are so cute when you turn your ear inside out! We feel kind of sorry Miss Patches stranded herself on the top level. But we bet she won't do that again and now it is all yours!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Maybe she was just so proud that she finally got up there?! We had a kitten like that. She would get up high and stand there and mew and kneed her paws because she could get somewhere she didn't think she could!

Daisy said...

Thanks for the interesting report, Precious! Sometimes my ear gets inside-out too.

Poor Patches, I can see why she might have had a moment of embarrassment when she could not get down!

Lux said...

Love that inside out ear - you're going to start a new fad, I'll bet!

Well, as long as Patches was rescued ... ;-)

muffinmidi said...

Patches probably felt very silly
that she got stranded on top of the cat tree.She won't do that again.

Edsel/The Pooch said...

oh, i feel bad for Patches. to be so brave, and then have it all turn around to be uncomfortable. at least she is safe.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Nice climbing job!

P.S. - Happy mommakitty's day!