Momma has been busy with the fowler beds on eiither side of the sidewalk leading up to the porch. She dug everything up, and is putting black plastic and bark down. She did make this little fowler bed with purple primroses and a viola. She says it was time for change.
She finished the left side yesterday......yes that is snow you see back there. But the good noos is, it is spring!! Momma says it makes us pre-she-ate nice weather, and she is really de-pre-she-ating, I mean a-pre-she-ating. Speaking of eating, I must go snack.
~Patches Lady~
the fowlers is purrty Patches! sounds a lot like werk to build a new porch. you should definately snoopervise when you're not napping. -
hi to our bestest furriends!!
I am so excited for spring. Some of our rhodies are finally blooming, the poor things.
Do you know what will just eat the blooms off our tulips? We keep having that problem so we thought we would ask you guys. They leave all the green part completely and it's usually eaten after the flower has opened (but not died back)
So maybe its ok after all for the collapse to happen, so daddy could do the roof better!
Keep up the snoopervising work! Sounds like you'll be busy!
Yea! Big piney flowers are back!
Oh, Patches, I got very sad to hear you'd been crying and crying to get in. I think your momma's new flowers are very pretty but she should let you eat them to make up for all your terrible suffering!
Yes, I should remind mum that we could start up with flower Friday again. We do have a few flowers, tulips and such. But more to come!
Hi Girls,
It looks so pretty where you are. Remind your mommy that the nice thing about winter is that it makes you all appreciate spring that much more. You have very pretty flowers plantes so far.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
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