Many of you are wondering about how I am getting along. I am feeling so good now, no more throwing up and my tummy doesn't hurt. I stay upstairs, in the cabin, now, but it is a good thing. I have the big bedroom and ccmputer corner, with a nice patio door to look out. I have the big bed with tons of pillows, to sleep on, or I can go under the rocker or under the chair, at the desk. I can look over the railing to see what is going on downstairs. I have the bathroom with the walk-in closet, where all my stuff is. My litter box, water, unlimited special diet food, and a bed. I don't spend much time in there anymore, though, preferring to be at Momma's feet, or on her lap, when she is on the computer, or else I nap on the bed. Precious is shut in the bedroom downstairs at night, so I can snuggle Momma. I am a happy girl.
It sounds like you have it all pretty well figured out and it sounds like a lovely place to be! Its nice to snuggle mom at night...Kaze is SUCH a hog of attention I don't always get the love I want.
Oh Mittens, it sounds like you have a nice place to recuperate. I'm glad you are getting lots of snuggle time 'cause that's the bestest, isn't it?
It's good to see you.
Oh Mittens, we is so glad you is such a happy girl. We has been furry worried 'bout you, 'acause you is furry speshul to us.
Hi Miss Mittens. I'm so furry happy that you are feeling better and you're happy. :)
Mittens, I am so glad that you are feeling so much better and have such a nice place to recuperate in. Take care of yourself and get lots of snuggles.
well all that sounds lovely! we're furry glad yur doin' so well. purrrrrs!
Mittens, it sounds like things are really going well for you. I'm glad your feeling so much better. You have quite the luxury accomodations, don't you!
I'm so glad you're feeling better, Mittens! And it sounds like your special space is divine.
I don't know if your new sis gives you as much trouble as she does Patches, but she's still pretty much a baby and will grow out of it someday. I feel for Patches, who seems to really be pestered. (Hard as it is to believe, I used to be the Pest in our family, just ask my bro. But it all worked out.)
I am glad you are feeling better Mittens, and it sounds like the three of you indoors are working out ways of getting along together. As long as efurrycat has their own special places, it will be fine. And Precious will calm down as she gets older.
You have a boo-tee-ful room to rest and relax in. I bet it is furry special to you. What a nice view you have from up above and a lovely area to look out to. Yu look furry lovely and I can see you are feeling better which is so good.
Binkies! We're happy you're feeling better!
Oh, Mittens, we are glad you are feeling better and have such a lovely place of your own to recover. Being with mom is extra nice, too! Especially the snuggles! We are really happy for you!
Precious will grow on you, dear. Just let her grow up a little. She is trying!
Purrs that you are feeling better. Also that you have your special spot to be away from it all to rest.
YAY! Yer feeling better!
I´m glad that you´re happy!
hurray for miss mittens polypaws!! we are furry glad to know you are so much better, and we hopes that you stay that way! enjoy those cuddles!!
purrs from nels, ed, nitro, & xing
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