Daddy made Mistrie a brand new bed, yesterday, out of a plastic container. He bought some flat, solid, foam insulation (he says that stops things from sweating) and completely lined it, top, bottom and sides. He cut out a small opening, and Momma put towels around the edge and a nice cat pad on the bottom for Mistrie to lay on. She put it under the deck, on some planks, and put an extended roof over the top, using some covers from other containers, so it has a porch. She took the other one she had, next to the house in Hemlock Haven, and Daddy added flat foam that he had left over. She washed the blanket that was inside, and added clean bedding, then added another container top to that one, so it has a porch, too. Now, Mistrie has two beds under the deck, and two beds up in the woodshed.
Momma saw her outside, when she was putting the beds in place, but she ran under the deck, when Momma called her. When Momma is inside the house, Mistrie comes up to the open door and lets Momma pet her. Mistrie purrs, and headbutts, gives love nibbles and drools, but if Momma steps outside, she runs away. She has been our kitty since the summer of 2004, but still has her feral ways, although Momma can put flea medicine on her neck, as long as she stays inside the house.
We wonder, what in her past, has made her so afraid.
You have some very handy beans! It is so nice of them to make such nice places for Mistrie to sleep in the cold winter. She's a lucky cat!
Oh Momma is so happy to hear what good care you take of Mistrie Rose. It is sad to think what might have happened before to make her so scared.
Those are some really nice beds for Mistrie - we is shur that she will love them. Our momma wonders too what maded Mistrie so scairt, poor girl. At least she has a wonderful mommy (and daddy) now and lots of warm dry places to sleep, and lots of good foods to eat.
What good beans you are to take such good care of Mistrie. I'm sure she'll appreciate the new and improved beds. Just hope she doesn't miss "her" scent on the blankets!
Mistrie is furry lucky to haf all those new beds so she can keep warm in the winter. Sumfing bad must haf happened to her befurr she came to live wiv yoo as yer outside cat. She knows she is safe wiv yoo. Maybe one day when she gets older she will suddenly decide to come indoors. Our mum says that furry often that is what thay do.
That is just like the cat shelters we've seen on the cat shelter sites. Mom was going to make one for Tiger, but then the igloo came along. Mistrie will be warm and cosy this winter!
Lucky Mistrie will be warm and cozy this winter.
That sounds like some wonderful beds that your beans made for Mistrie!
Mistrie Rose has a furry snuggly bed fur dis winter. I knows she will find it warm and cozy.
it's kinda sad that Mistrie loves your Momma, but won't take that step over the doorway and won't let her pet her outside. but, she knows she's loved and you guys take good care of her, so that's not sad at all!
That looks like a nice snuggly house for Mistrie. I keep hoping she will decide it is OK to come in the house. She knows she is loved.
that looks GREAT! an yur daddy's as nice as yur momma - how wonnerful ta haf a purrfect set of human pets!
Wow...that is awesome. And totally cool of your mom and dad to make that. The brain dead amongst which I live probably couldn't even cough up the IDEA to make that.
You know, too, Mistrie is just smart. You have to be extra careful and extra sneaky when you're mostly feral, so maybe nothing happened. She's just brilliant and knows what she needs to do to protect herself, even if she mostly trusts someone.
Looks exceptionally cozy.
That looks like a great bed for Mistrie for the winter. I think Max has a good idea, that Mistrie is just extra careful from being feral.
So have Mistrie put her stamps of approval on the new cabins?
You guys are very very kind, to have taken care of Precious, and being so considerate to Mistrie. Bless you all.
Mistrie made me promise not to tell about what made her so careful about humans or I'd tell you. I want to visit and see Mitrie's new bed up close. Can I come over this weekend?
Lotsa headbumpties to my bed furriend Mistrie :)
Those sound like very nice beds for Mistrie. It is furry good of your 'beans to take care of her that way. ~Merlin, SHadow, KO kO
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