There is a little mothy miller poised above my head. Every so often, it moves it wings, to let me know it is real and not a toy of some sort. I finally figured out, it is outside! I took my delicate paw and tried to smash it flat, and it flew away, probably to torture some other kitty, in some other town, in the blogosphere.
~Mittens Pollypaws~
If that moth guy comes over here, I'll get him!!
I'm the "bug killer" in this family.
Maxwell Smartkitty
Go get that bug Mittens.
The last bug I caught was a dragonfly. I ate it. -Scout
mittens, you've got an unfair advantage wif those extra toezes--that's prolly why he flew off: he was 'fraid you'd get him, even through the glass!! (he din't know you what a furry delicate puddin' you are.)
we will give him what-for if he comes to missouri. his fambly useta terrorize our mom when she stayed on her gran'beans' farm. they would get 'tween the roller shade an' the window at night, and flap an' flap tryin' to get at the pole light in the barnyard. useta scare her silly!! (hmmmmmm. maybe that's why she is like she is . . . )
o, Mittens, u kin get tha buggies.
me 'n Catzee, we be's delicate flowers, too, but we kills 'n eats bugs. 'n u, wif extra tosies, wow, wish i hads extra toesies.
Ooooo! Send it my way! I'll get it!
when he gets here to western NY, I will get it for you. - Miles
on the other side of the glass? isn't that furrustrating? those things are lotsa fun, if you kin get at 'em
Oh, Mittens, we gots flies outside our windows, but inside the storm windows. They drive me NUTS! An one night at dinner, there was a ladybug flyin all round the lights, but I was good; I watched it from the floor an didn't jump into Mom's dinner. Mom? Can I haf a mothy miller?
How come your mommy didn't let him in so you could play with him?
Ha, ha, we love squishing all kind of bugs. Mom just always says if we eat them, we better not throw up.
If it comes here, Harlie and I will make a snack of it!!!
You go girl! You get that buggie efun if it is on the outside.
Glad you got rid of that moth thing. Don't send it our way, Blackie will eat it and if he barfs on our Mom again in the middle of the night, she might send him back to where there's snow. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
Oh isn't it fun to catch them?! I love it!
Is that where dat buggie came from dat wuz at my door?
No wonder I couldn't catch him...
We hasn't seen it 'round here. Hope you catch it!
Sanjee and the gang
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