We are glad she comes to the door for her groomings. We want to ask her if the fairies go skinny dipping when the weather gets so hot as its been there.
Mistrie is very smart! Fleas are a pain on the butt, and behind the ears, and...! I use Frontline because it takes care of ticks, too. She looks cute and she has gorgeous eyes!
Oh Patches, that was very nice of you to let your momma know that Mistrie needs a little grooming and flea stuff.
Do all of you like to be groomed? I love it when mom says "Do you want brushies" and I come running and lay down and she brushes and then I turn on my other side and she brushes more. I love love love it! Tommy hates brushies and bites the brush...or mom.
oh what flea medi-k-shun does Mistrie use? we use Revolushun. You can haf mine. - Miles
Hi to our bestest furriends!
We like how her cute little paw sticks out in the picture. It looks like she's getting ready to knock!
We are glad she comes to the door for her groomings.
We want to ask her if the fairies go skinny dipping when the weather gets so hot as its been there.
Oh brushing feels sooooo goood!
Oh Patches? Did Mistrie really ask for some flea medicines, or are you playing a joke on her?
Mistrie is very smart! Fleas are a pain on the butt, and behind the ears, and...! I use Frontline because it takes care of ticks, too. She looks cute and she has gorgeous eyes!
Oooh brushing time
yippee skippy
Oh Patches, that was very nice of you to let your momma know that Mistrie needs a little grooming and flea stuff.
Do all of you like to be groomed? I love it when mom says "Do you want brushies" and I come running and lay down and she brushes and then I turn on my other side and she brushes more. I love love love it! Tommy hates brushies and bites the brush...or mom.
Hello Mistrie! Guess you like grooming time much better than we do.
Brushing I don't like it when mommy brushes me. I squirm and fuss.
Patches you are a loving sisfur to tell your mum that Mistrie need some care.
I kinda like brushing. The mombean starts by petting me then she picks up the brush and it feels good. just not too much, or I'll bite.
My old friends=)
Patches, it's nice to know that you're keeping track of important things like this.
You asked for flea medicine? That's very unusual. Spice Cats always run away when I take out the flea spray.
Are you sure she asked for flea stuff, Patches? I think she probably meant ham.
Brushing is the best!
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