Oh, I am so excited. I am now a real part of the Big Piney Woods Cats. Momma added my name to the email list, as well as to the profile; but best of all, I have a whole special section dedicated to me, with my picture, and story, in the sidebar. It makes me feel very special, a special Tiny Girl.
~Precious Flower~
you has such BIG eyes Precious! We fink you must be part Norwegian with your cute fluffy cheeks and big ears and eyes. You are a real cutie.
Mittens, we really really hadded a nice time wif you yesterday. We hopes you come back soon. We would like to be your bestest furriends like Trixie was. We fink you might be right - maybe Trixie sented Precious to be wif you so that you would not miss her too much. - Miles
That is a very pretty picture of you PF. You're very photogenic!
Yu are very speshil, Ms Precious - yu are orlso part ov a very speshil family.
Very nice, Precious! You look very pretty in your picture. :)
Mistrie must be happy too... after all, now she has someone who looks like her.
I am furry glad you fit in Precious. It's hard to be the new cat around and it's ever so much easier when you are a baby cat. I MADE Georgia like me 'cause I just wouldn't take no for answer.
Oh, Precious you are such a beautiful girl! We are so glad you found a wonderful forever home. The Calico Girls will be great big sisters. We can't wait to read about your adventures.
Our Mum thinks you have the sweetest face. She also thinks that you won't be in a hurry to go Out since you've found a nice, inside home.
You're SO pretty! Glad you're a permanent fixture!
It's about time! Ha, Ha. You were a part of the family from day one.
hmmm..... you're a tiny girl, William is a tiny boy.......
Oh, of course you are at your forever home, my sweet girl! Think of the adventures you will have with your new sisters!
I think you belonged at the Big Piney Woods long before you got added to the sidebar. :) But now that you have your own section, your own signature, and are part of the email list, you must really be feeling like part of the family. That's wonderful to hear. :)
YAY! you really are such a beautiful fluff!
Gee, I thought you belonged already! It's nice to have your own name on the email list n have your own section tho. You's really got your furever home! It's hard to believee at first. I remember from when I found my furever home here.
You are a very special kittie Precious. Purrs to your joining the other girls of the Big Piney Woods.
The Woman looked at your picture and said "Wow, she really is a PK." And she smiled, because you remind her of the Cat Who Came Before Me...Dusty. That's a compliment, 'cause as far as I can tell, Dusty was a Super Kitty that never did anything wrong and was the Prettiest Kitty EVAH!11!
What a sweet, sweet little face.
~ tammara
Pretty PK. Lookit those beautiful eyes. And you has that purty colored nose that we loves so much.
Yoo has a furry sweet face, an look so much better now than yer furrst pichur.We just know yoo will be happy in yer furrefurr home wiv Patches Mittens and Mistrie
Both precious and beautiful. What gorgeous eyes!
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