Monday, April 03, 2006

Spring For Sure

The Mom says it is official, spring has arrived to the Big Piney Woods. All the ice on the pond finished melting yesterday. The geese are nesting, (they should hatch out babies in a month) there are ducks all over looking for nesting spots, the deer are seen daily, and also a moose is hanging around. Mistrie is enjoying the sun and watching all the excitement.



Anonymous said...

Oh so pretty! No wonder Mistrie doesn't want to leave the outside there. Mom says she wants to come stay there awhile cause of her frazzled nerves. What do her nerves have to be frazzled over? Three gorgeous kitties, a couple of teenagers, a 10-year old with ADHD? What's the problem, Mom?
~ Nala

ps to Mittens - I didn't find that hour yesterday, either! I'm gonna look again today...

The Meezers or Billy said...

You ladies are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! All we have here right now is rain, mud and dead grass and plants.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Wow! What a pretty place! There has got to be great wildlife to stalk there. Glad the weather is getting nicer for Mistrie too.

Edsel/The Pooch said...

ooh, what a pretty, pretty place you live in. i am way jealous! you guys are very lucky.

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of your beautiful backyard! You are really lucky kitties!

Petey said...

Very picturesque, like a postcard.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

It's sooooo beauteous there! The smell of Spring must be like heaven.

PrincessMia said...

Ohmygosh! What a picture purrfect place to be.

animalfamily said...

absolutely stunning.



You really do have a Purrific back yard...woo woo what a back yard! Can we come and play over at your place?


Judith said...

What a beautiful photo - you are lucky cats having that sort of back-yard.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

That is a beautiful place you live Calico girls. Wow ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko

Victor Tabbycat said...

Wul, efurryone else already said, but that's a bootiful pictor an I'd love to visit. What kinda moose you gots, chocolate or vanilla? Mom & Dad went to Canada to ride a train an Mom saw a moose. It was wet (the moose, not the train).

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous view, girls. And oh boy, ducklings and gooslings! Little fuzzy poopers all over the place... spring is beautiful in your area. (Ever have mosquitoes, though?)

Fat Eric said...

What a lovely photo. You are lucky to live there. My mum visited Idaho when she and my dad did their big Seattle-Idaho-Montana-Yellowstone-Idaho-Oregon-Seattle trip in 2003. One night they stayed in a cabin at Harriman State Park in Idaho. They were told if they got up at 5a.m. they could see the moose drinking in the lake. But they failed to get up early enough...pathetic.