The Mom picked a bouquet of daffodils yesterday. They are so pretty, all yellow and springified. She got all the cowpies spread and she is now starting to plant. She is always moving things...she plants them one place and then next week, or next year, she moves it somewhere else. Unproductive, if you ask me. The only moving I do is from one chair to another, or from the food bowl to the window. The Furless Ones need to be more observant, they could learn a lot from us!
Do you get to eat them?? They sure look tasty!
those flowers look delicious. does mistrie soopervise the outdoor activities? - Miles
i'd like to rub my nose in them until it gets all yellow. She needs leafy stuff with them to be tasty enough for me!
That's called conservation of energy and no one does it better than cats. humans have a lot to learn.
I've about given up on training my beans to be observant or "conservation of energy." Grandma's particularly bad with the "conservation of energy" thing. Those are real purrty flowers tho!
Mama loves what she calls daffydills. She also loves tulips and roses. But "daffydils" are really spring to her. No one on our block has daffydills yet.
Our Mom moves plants around every year, too. She calls them purr-any-alls. We think she should spend more time inside with us!
Those sure am some furry bright yellow daffydills. Bet Mistrie really likes em. They can shine on her pretty face.
The flowers are gorgeous! I "hypothesize" the cowpies are magical in origin and come from mystical cows.
Pretty! Our big daffodils are all over now, except some of the little narcissus ones are still blooming. But the tulips and some other stuff are out now and looking pretty.
We has daffys and two lips now. Mom doesn't have enuf energy to do all the yard werk after her gone-all-day werk. She says maybe when she's atired, she'll be able to werk that hard.
That we could!
But what do they TASTE like????
Dohs flowers are beeauteeful!
Those are gorgeous daffodils ~Poi Mom Jane
Personally, I think that if you can't eat them, what good are they? But my human says to tell you they're "lovely daffodils." There, I said it.
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