Sunday, April 09, 2006

Party Posts (2)

We decided to make a second post for comments, the one is getting long and taking a long time to load. So start posting party comments here.........


Anonymous said...

Anyone Here?

craziequeen said...

me - your dance partner.....

I see Mittens putting some more music on.........

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Yes, everyone is moving here (hopefully)
Charlie, we were supposed to dance!!!

craziequeen said...

so - I have FOUR paws, don't I??


ladies? while we wait for the others to catch up??

[whispers] Mittens, did you hear? Ariel called me handsome....

[big grin

Victor Tabbycat said...

I thots Charlie was dancin wif Mittens, so I coulds dance wif Ariel.
Scuse me.

craziequeen said...

too slow, my friend.......

whatcher bin sniffin' Vic??

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Well, Charlie, you am handsome!! Look in the mirror, look at those eyes!! Mom says windows to the soul.......

craziequeen said...

[blushes furiously]

[scuffs paws]

Victor Tabbycat said...

Nothin, I just gets sneezy.
I'll just dance by myself, then.
*grabs tail and spins*

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Victor, there is plenty of time, you will have your fill of dancing! We are tired, it is naptime!!!!! Going upstairs to snuggle.....anybody wants to join us??
~The Girls~

Anonymous said...

Charlie do you wanna dance before I have to go?

Anonymous said...

Charlie are you there????

Lone Star Purrs said...

I'll dance wif you Victor! I don't mind if you're sneezy. ~Kiara

craziequeen said...

I'm just a dancin' machine.....

[inexpertly twirls both girls]

[Mittens hangs on, but Ariel flies off into Victor]


craziequeen said...

[huffs and puffs]

this dancin' is hard work, Ariel...

but you is still the prettiest girl here....

Anonymous said...

[sorry Victor] Patches & Mittens I had a wonderful time and made alot of new friends.Charlie remember always your cute and a great dancer.[waves goodbye]

craziequeen said...

I gotta go now too.......Pandora just thunked me it's time to put Mama to bed......

Can I teleport you home, Ariel?

It's been great!

Victor, dude? no hard feelings?? :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes you can

Victor Tabbycat said...

Charlie, no hard feelings. I'm a softie. Mom says nofing phases me. Kiara, I'd love to dance.
Bye Ariel & Charlie! See ya next fime!
Kiara, I fink I'm done sneezin for now. Mom finks it's the dust in our basement, where I asplores a lot.

craziequeen said...

[smooths whiskers]

[holds out furry paw]

Pandora thunked me there's another party soon, Luna is gonna be One. Fancy it, Ariel?

Victor Tabbycat said...

Luna invited me, too. She said I'll be her "special" guest. So Charlie, *I* get to dance wif Luna first, kay? Then we'll be efun. That's April 15.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there

Anonymous said...

If I'm invited that is .I don't want to crash someone's party.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Ariel, I don't finks Luna would mind. Her link's on my blog. She's in Spain, by the Mediteration Sea. She's furry pretty an nice.
Kiara, you're pretty too. Oh, an Ariel... well, you're all pretty!

Anonymous said...

Thanks [blush] Your very cute too.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Luna said her party's for me an all my friends to come to, all day April 15. Luna's blog

Anonymous said...

Lovely party! *wiggles butt on crowded dance floor*

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, great its the GK!!! Welcome! Some have been and left, Charlie for one, and Ariel too! I was just heading up for a nap, but seeing as how you are here...... Wanna dance?

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hey, Gigolokitty. Let's dance, huh?
I like what you said about my chair problem with my man. If he's cheeky, I'll bite him alright, maybe on a "cheek"!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Dancin, Dancin, Dance the night away. I'm a singin away! Anyone care to dance wif me?

Victor Tabbycat said...

Angie, I will, if no one else gets there furst.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Ok Victor - let's dance away! You're such a cutie face.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

How bout you Mittens? Do you wanna dance wif me? I'd love to see those beauteous toesies doin the hokey pokey.
Beau Beau

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, Beau Beau, yes thank you....but watch out, I step on toes with these big old feets.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

That's ok Mittens. I don't have pollypaws but my feets are big too! We'll look great pawsin togefer.

Just Ducky said...

Wow, what an afternoon. Just dance after dance. Gotta keep up with all of the ladies. Hokey Pokey lessons, learning to groove with Edsel.

I gotta pop home. Patches, Mittens, Mistrie and your mum - thanks so much for a wonderful afternoon.

Bonnie - Have a very Happy Birthday tomorrow.

Bye all.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Bye, Derby! See ya round!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Bye, Derby, an fanks!
Gigolo Kitty, you've worn me out. Leaf me by those boxes so I can rest. Whew!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Mom is putting out stinky goodness for everyone! Then it will be time for us girls to wash up and nap for a while...don't let that stop you from having fun! Mom is getting some good pichers to share over the next few days! Thanks Mom.......

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Oh, nooo. A party and I missed out! Mama didn't turn the puter on til now. :-p

Hope you all had lots of fun. I wanted to learn how to dance!

Mama needs the puter back, too.

This and her "surprise" made my weekend!

I will sneak over and say hi to anyone left.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Mmmmmm... I have enuf energy left to haf some stinky goodness, then a nap sounds wonderful.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Scuse me, Angie, but I always haf room for stinky goodness. Come on, let's get some.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hi, Brandi! You haven't missed the party, we're just having a little snack. We've been dancing!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

I'm in for some stinky goodness. We only gets that sometimes at home. You gots any shrimpies too? Sniff, Sniff, I smells some tuna treats! Yummy!

The Meezers or Billy said...

the stinky goodness was great - can I get into the nap pile? - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Everybody that the nap pile.
Welcome Brandi.......come at stay and play......

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Beau Beau after you finished stuffin your face dive in the nap pile! We've had so much fun. If we drift off into the teleporter while we're nappin we just want to tell you that we hads a great time wif you all!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Patches, Mittens, Mistrie and Calico Mom - we had a really really really fun time. We has to get home so that our Mommy can get ready for bed. She can't do that wifout us. You throw an awsome party ladies! - Sammy and Miles

The Meezers or Billy said...
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Lone Star Purrs said...

Fanks for havin' us over girls! We had a great time!

Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce said...

I really hope we didn't miss all the dancing.

Both me and Dolce are are groomed up and drssedin our bestets collars for some diancing is anyone is till interested.

Dad, If we missed the dancing party, somehting is going to get peep and pooped on.

Bella and Dolce

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Bella and Dolce:
Most efurryone has left, but we can teach you some hokey pokey, or sit and listen to music. Mistrie has gone back outside.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed the party. Mom was gone most of the day and didn't on the computer for me. It's also still acting nuts a lot too. AAAAND, after the last party, I was allowed to be here much anyway. Hope it was great!!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

It was a wonderful party, hope everyone had as much fun as we did. The food all went, so did the punch and nip. Now Mom can clean up the party hats and paper plates, we girls are tired! Thanks to all for coming and help celebrating our "new look."
Will be visiting your blog tomorrow.
~Patches, Mittens and Mistrie~

Max said...

I MISSED IT!!!! The Woman was hogging the computer and I MISSED IT!!!


Patches & Mittens

Oh no I missed that party. My Momma and Daddy had to do somethin' silly like hang a thing that shines down from the ceiling yesterday and made me miss a party!