Saturday, June 30, 2007

Watch & Wait

Daddy is feeding corns to lots of geese, ducks and turkeys over on that green spot across the pond. Momma says it is hard to walk and avoid the poops; it gets to be a feeding frenzy. We love to watch. Mistrie sits on the bench, she has a ringside seat.


Friday, June 29, 2007

Flower Friday

Momma had to move all her pots to the back deck, away from the vishus deer. They have been munching down on her Pet Tunias. She has ordered some vushus deer repellent. (Don't let the innocent look fool you.)

~Patches Lady~

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tummy & Toes Tuesday

Momma says I need some con-dish-shun-her to calm my furs.

~Precious Flower~ (aka Squirt)

Note from Momma: Going camping. Will return to posting on Friday.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Meezer Monday

Look how the Meezer twins have grown!

Sidenote: They love to go camping!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

When In Doubt....Smell

Whose shirt is this? Must belong to my Daddy! Think I will pull it down.

Momma says I was sassy this morning. She says I must have taken some lessons from Derby, The Sassy Cat. She put a bowl of food up on the table and I tried to jump up there to spect it. When she said the bitter word "no" I made a sassy noise she said she has nefur heard me make before. Cat food should be on the floor, I had a right to be sassy.

~Precious Flower~

Saturday, June 23, 2007

From A Momma Perespective

Setting Up Camp

Cats and campurrs, not a good mix. Cats (mine anyway) are home bodies and hate going anywhere, they are safe and secure in the Big Piney Woods, so from now on, I will get Diane, The Pet Nanny, who also lives across the road from us, to watch them.

We went to Upper Pack River, planning on doing a lot of four wheeling. However all the roads have washed out from spring thaw, so we couldn't get very far.

Upper Pack River, at our campsite.

Part of The Seven Sisters (we can see these from The Big Piney Woods)

CalicoMom Toni

Friday, June 22, 2007

Camping Xperience

Well, we don't recommend this camping xperience to anycat! Thankfully, Momma says from now on the Pet Nanny across the street will take care of us. Here is how it went....

I was put in the carrier first and transferred to the house on wheels. Then Momma tried to catch Precious! She got a nice long scratch out of it, that is all I am going to say on the subject. Precious was left in the carrier, I was put on the bafroom floor on a towel. By the time we got to the Upper Pack River, I was foaming real bad cuz the road made me so sick. Momma felt awful, of course.

I got used to the house on wheels real fast and liked to splore it, but Precious hid under the table. I liked looking out the windows at the new scenery, Precious hid under the table. At 1:00 AM Precious decided to come out, jumped up on the bed, and went into crazy mode until 4:00 AM. Momma says now she amembers why Precious goes into the bedroom at night.

Here are some pichers of us. Tomorrow Momma takes ofur and shows some scenery pichers.

~Patches and Precious~

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Good News On Little Felix!!!!

Great news from Sue last night.

STOP PRESS NEWS ..... she just came back about half an hour ago (almost exactly 24 hours since we last saw her). Slow, nervous, hesitant, wary, Stephen says she's walking stiffly - scared if we put our hands to her too fast, BUT she let us stroke her! And she ate. It's nearly 40 hours since she ate, so that was good - she's very subdued BUT SHE CAME. I couldn't tell in the dark if she has any injuries, although I tried to feel all over and she didn't flinch. It's very wet and a nasty night, so I don't know where she will go, but we are going to leave the porch light on all night in the hopes it might make her feel safe enough to stay here.

Sue would like to thank everyone who stopped by and left a comment. You can well imagine how thrilled she is. I forwarded all the comment messages and she has saved them.

CalicoMom Toni


Oh my, I have heard we are going camping in the campurr! Me and Precious, Mittens is staying home. We will leave in a few minutes and stay overnight. There won't be a post tomorrow. Momma says it is a maiden voyage! We need Miles and Sammy to give us advice on traveling, although we aren't going furry far. Why do they want to go in that little house on the back of the truck when they live in the Big Piney Woods, anyway?

~Patches and Precious~

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Purrs Needed

My friend Sue, who lives in the UK and signs sometimes as English Daisy, needs your support, thoughts, and purrs for Little Felix, her outside tuxedo kitty.

She wrote me the following yesterday:

"Been out this morning, and came home to find the front kennel (where we left Little Felix asleep in when we went out) has been split in two, well the roof part, and one of my clay pots smashed to bits, and black fur all over the grass, and the inner bedding in the kennel all ruined. And no little Felix. I feel sick. I suspect she was sound asleep and somehow a dog found its way up there, though why a dog should be in our garden, and find the kennel which is hidden by large pot plants, I don't know. Can't find her anywhere, she isn't answering to our call, and the slate roof looks like it's erupted outwards from inside, so she was probably trapped inside it, woken by the dog and burst out through the roof, breaking the slate and shooting off the piece of timber across the top of the roof. Doesn't look like it's been broken by an animal landing on top of it. I just hope she isn't badly injured somewhere."

Here is a picture of the nice kennel they had built for her, safe and sound, next to the house. Little Felix is like our Mistrie, an outside cat, who would have it no other way.

~Calicom Mom Toni~

*NOTE* Mom heard from Sue that Little Felix had been spotted on a wall, but is too scared to come close.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

From all of us in the Big Piney Woods
~CalicoMom Toni~

Friday, June 15, 2007

Flower Friday

Momma and Daddy took a drive two weeks ago. This was taken about 20 miles from here, in the mountains above Clark Fork, Idaho. Still lots of snow in the mountains.

Note: There won't be a post for Saturday. Momma and Daddy are picking up the new campurr today and going to try it out. They will be back Saturday, sometime. Come on ofur and bisit us.

~Patches Lady~

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Chatham's Party

Wow, what a great 20th purrthday party. Thanks for the great time. I hope Precious didn't do too much damage. If she did, please let us know so we can compensate for the cost of repairs. I have six cents and Mittens has eight cents. Precious doesn't have anything as she spends it as fast as she finds it, and Mistrie has hers buried in Momma's fowler garden, and won't tell us where it is, or how much she has. I think she has some fairy dust, but don't know if she has any monies.

~Patches Lady~

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday Mews

Momma and Daddy bought a new campurr (they traded in the old one for a bigger model) and I have heard rumers about taking us on camping trips; me and Squirt, anyway. They will have the naybor come ofur and feed Mistrie and check on Mittens and water the fowlers. I am hoping this is just a rumer.

Momma went to Starbucks with the MeezersMom and saw a big boy kitty in the parking lot. He was shaved like a poodle and was furry friendly. Momma followed him, he went next door and he asked her if she would let him in. She told him she couldn't just let him in any old store. He then started opening it himself, and ran into the entry. A lady came and told Momma he lived there, and it was fine, he was their mascot. He was a good old boy.

That is all for Monday Mews. It is raining here in the Big Piney Woods and I have to nap. Have a wunderful week.

~Patches Lady~

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Napping With Momma

Momma asked me if I would like to nap with her on the couch. I jumped right on up and cuddled up atween her legs, (which she had pulled up) and her arms, in that cozy curve. First, I put my butt in her face so she could spect it and smell, if she so desired. Then I turned around and made biscuits on her boobs until she said "ouch, ouch, ouch," so I moved to her armpit, and made them, while I sang a song. She was just starting to doze when I thought I saw a liddle spider under her, and had to protect her. I reached under with both pawsies and dug around under her. (I didn't find anyfing.) She opened one eye, sort of glared at me, and said sumfing about settling down. I turned around, and started to wash my tail, then saw my pawsies were in deep need of some cleaning. Her elbow was just sticking out too far, so I bit it, not hard, just enough to get her tenshion. Then I gave it a good lick, in case I bited a tad too hard. Then I bit her fingers. Now she said she was wide awake. Well, I was ready for my nap, having splored all other possiblilies, so I went down to the end of the couch and fell asleep. Funny, she got up and nefur did nap!

~Precious Flower~

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Mistrie Needs You, Momma

Momma, Mistrie is here and needs to be brushed. She says some flea medicine would be nice, too.

~Patches Lady~

Monday, June 04, 2007

Scam Alert

Please check your phone bill monthly for charges that look suspicious. We were billed $7.14 from a business called OAN Services. Their website is bogus. ( I called Verizon and they told me that they (Verizon) bill so many 3rd parties, they don't check to see who they are. OAN claims we made a directory assistance call at 6:50 AM (we never call at that time) and the charge was $7.14. When I called the toll free number, the guy said he would cut a check and block our phone number; very nice. Of course, we would never see the check, the lady at Verizon verified this, and took the amount off our bill. I did a search for OAN scams and they have been doing this for 8 years!!

Go HERE to see what others have said.

Back to regular cat blogging tomorrow.

CalicoMom Toni

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Easy Like Sunday

It is another sweltering hot day in the Big Piney Woods. Momma says it is way too hot for the start of June. I am hiding in my tree because Squirt is looking for me, and it is too hot to put up with her foolishness today.

Happy Sunday to efurrycat!

~Patches Lady~

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sizzling Saturday

It is supposed to be 95 today! I am going to stretch out on the oak floor and nap.

~Precious Flower~

Friday, June 01, 2007

Flower Friday

Petunia, Million Bells

Today is the youngest, furless one's purrday. His name is Aaron and he is 39. Momma is making him a purrday cake called angel food. I hope she doesn't bake any angels in it. No, she says there is fowler (flour) in it. I wonder if she is going to use these petunia fowlers.

~Precious Flower~