Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Is Up?

Something strange is going on. I have heard whispers between Momma and Daddy, about kittensitting. Momma said something about Meezers, that is all I know. I am furry worried.
I know whatever it is, it is happening amarrow.

~Patches Lady~


LZ said...

Uh-oh....HIDE! Meezers are nothing but trouble!!!!


Parker said...

Uh oh Patches! I speak from experience here - be worried, very worried! Mommy fosters kittens every spring and summer and you'll have to share your humans! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

The Crew said...

Yes, that's the thing about humans...they try and keep things from us, but we find out everything eventually.

It sounds like those baby meezers might be coming over, so you'd better prepare yourself. Will we get to see pictures?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Kitten sitting sounds like fun! :) Meezers though? Be prepared for some very loud, very talkative kittens!

Mr. Hendrix said...

oooo I'll be staying tuned.....Good luck to you all....

The Meezers or Billy said...

I askded mommy, and it's not us that you is meezer sitting. i'm shur they will be loud though!

Hi to our bestest furriends!!

Daisy said...

Oh my goodness! I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow. Too bad it isn't Miles and Sammy coming over though.

Hot(M)BC said...

I thought maybe they meant Pepi and Gree since they're on the way over to visit. But they're not Meezers. Pepi sounds like he may have had a Meezer grandpa or something though. Just make sure you claim your territory and don't let kittens take it over.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the continuation of this worrisome whispering... sounds like trouble!
I think you better do some extra power napping


Ivan from WMD said...

Uh oh. It really IS Meezer World Domination! Hide, Patches, hide!

Unknown said...

I can't wait !!
Yes I think so that you do dome extra napping.

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´●๋: ●๋: Luna ●๋: ●๋:
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Anonymous said...

Oh baby Meezers! There's nothing more wonderful. You are so lucky Patches!

Anonymous said...

Loud bouncy over-active kittens? Oooh - can I take care of them instead? I'll groom them and chase them and talk to them and cuddle them. I'm a great kitten sitter - just ask KC. Of course, Grr and Cocoa would be VERY unhappy...

Milton said...

He-he! I bet they will make ever Squirt tired!

Just Ducky said...

Are your cousin's coming to visit?

Tara said...

How exciting!! Meezer kittens! You should feel honored!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

oh-oh. maybe you should go on a baycation for a coupla days......

Karen Jo said...

It sounds to me like baby Meezers are coming to visit you. You may want to go upstairs with Mittens for the duration and let Precious play with them. She will probably enjoy it, but, somehow, I don't think you will, Patches.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Ph we have Kittens on the way, but it's not a secret anymore. We have no clue which Bad Kitty is the daddy but if you are volunteering you can have them all. Sending Purrs and before our mom catches us - love love.... remember kittens on the way - come get them - we are too spoiled to share....