Friday, March 16, 2007


Patches: Momma, look at this mess!!!

Precious: It isn't a mess. I killed the roni and ate some of it!


LZ said...

What a great looks on your faces! You girls are adorable!


Forty Paws said...

Tee hee. You and your Roni!!!

We put up more info on our "enclosure".

Luf, Us

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh we loves the looks on your faes too! that roni can get unruly!

Gemini said...

Oh you must be a very brave hunter to have killed the Roni!

Daisy said...

I want to play with some macaronis too! My Mommie still hasn't gotten me any though. It looks like Precious is a very very good 'roni hunter!

The Tower Hill Mob said...

We love the looks on your faces- they are very expressive!
Precious must be a very brave hunter to get a 'roni. We hear 'roni can be tricksy to catch.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Presh, you are such a fuzzy bundle of kitten! We are happy you have turned into such a mighty hunter! And don't give your sisters a second thought. We bet they made messes when they were young too!

Anonymous said...

just like with any good kill, you've gotta leave some pieces for other people to admire your skills.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

I can't top grr midnight & cocoa's comment. Your hunting skills are to be admired and respected.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Roni as in Mac Roni? Good job killing it! I am gonna have to try some!

Anonymous said...

We've killed a piece of chicken before, but not the roni. heehee...

Karen Jo said...

You did a good job on that roni, Precious. Patches doesn't seem to appreciate your handiwork, though.

Max said...

Ohhhhh...I'd like to kill some, too. Was it wild 'roni? Was it hard to catch? Does it taste like chicken?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

In da persoot of happiness sometimes ya just gotta kill da 'roni!

Meowers from Missouri said...

that roni-whuppin' can really take it outta a gal, can't it? beware the wily rotini, though--it can spin and spin until you're hipnotised!

Lux said...

Those pictures really tell a story!

Just Ducky said...

Was that Mac A Roni that you killed?

Kimo and Sabi said...

Roni?! We hasn't had roni in our house in a squillions years!

Hot(M)BC said...

I guesses it was bad roni that needed killin. Good werk Precious!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, and Pepi

Pee Ess. Mistrie,Gree isn't feelin too good today. Her tummy is very icky. Maybe yoo can stop by and cheer her up a lil sometime this weekend. She'd luv that.