Thursday, March 08, 2007

Patches(knockitoff) Here

The moon was shining brightly in the windows. It looked almost like day, making me want to howl. It happens you know, wanting to howl, even though I am a girl, and a Queen at that. I knew I would get in 33 1/3 kinds of trouble if I made much noise, so I jumped on Mittens, who was cuddled up by Momma. She got all freaky and stupid, growly and hissy. Of course, Momma woke up, and even before she knew what was really going on she yells, really loud, one of her names for me; Patchesknockitoff. Mittens went running like a wild woman under the rocker. Everything, of course, is ALWAYS, automatically MY fault. Well, if you are going to get blamed for something, you may as well do it. I think some famous person said that; if they didn't, they should have.

~Patches Lady~


The Meezers or Billy said...

yep, my middle of the night name is"sammystopknockingstuffoffthetablestopitstopitstopitGETDOWN".

Gemini said...

Oh in our house it's just HEY 'cause you never know if it's me or Cheysuli. Georgia is purty quiet.

Milton said...

My name is "Beezeryouknowbetter!"


Yesterday someone knocked Momma purrty vasoline glass vase wif her rose in it off the top of fridge. She put it up there so we would quit messing with the flower. We don't know for sure WHO did it. But it wasn't ME...and both Momma and Daddy agree it wasn't me, cuz I don't get up on top of the fridge.

But if'n they ever find out furrs sure who did it..they are in a mess of trouble.


Shaggy and Scout said...

Mine is "Scoutgetdownfromthere"

Karen Jo said...

Yes, indeedy, if you are going to get blamed for everything, the best thing to do is to make sure that you do at least half of it. Besides that, moonlight is perfect for playing in.

Forty Paws said...

Oh yeah. That's wat happens wid Dorf. Wenefer any poodin spits or hisses, Dorf gits yelled at cuz Maw & Paw figurs he's in the middle of it.

But Maw gits leaky eyed wid Dorf too cuz she knows most of itz cuz of his bad toofies and she feels REELY bad abowt it an not knowing abowt it fur so long.

Luf, Us

Fat Eric said...

See, I don't have any siblings so if something gets broken my humans know it is me. Although I am a furry good kitty and hardly ever destroy anything (except the laundry basket but that doesn't count)

Edsel/The Pooch said...

i don't have one of those names. i asked my Mom why not and she said 'cause i'm so good.....

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Usually in our howse if it stuff falling over it's sadiegetdownfromthere If it's hissing and spitting it's zippynokitoff if it's sum cat laying on mom's face suffocating her it's speedymmmmfgetoff

Bonnie Underfoot said...

I'm "Bonnie, getoutathere".
Victor is "Victor! No! Get down! Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!"
I can't tell you some of what the boy gets called...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I get "DragonheartNO". Since I'm the only cat here, I can't blame it on anyone else.

Anonymous said...

We've got names like that too:
GrrLeaveYourBrotherAlone, and NoBiteyCocoaNoBitey

prairiesunshine said...

Ours are slowdownitsbedtime and stopfighting! A special one is for Taz and its tazstopgoingforthejugular on account of she is trying to kill me. She putted a hole in my chin!!


pee ess, there is also the famous notthecarpet! That's MY special name!!