Sunday, March 04, 2007


It took a long time, but.....

finally Patches lets me sleep by her.

~Precious Flower~


Here is what our names mean, according to Quiz Gallery.

Patches Lady --[noun]:
A human transformer (Robot in disguise)

Mittens Pollypaws --[noun]:
A person who is a master of making ravioli

Mistrie Rose --[noun]:
A person who makes a living suing celebrities

Precious Flower --[adjective]:
Sexually stunning

New cat blog.......come visit and welcome THE SPOILED CAT BLOG.


The M's said...

Good things come to those who wait. Glad to see the girls are getting along better. Hugs.

The Tower Hill Mob said...

What beautiful girls! I'm so glad they've adapted to Precious. Now all we need is Mistrie moving in!

The Meezers or Billy said...

being sisfurs is a wonderful fing!!

Tara said...

How very sweet! Although how can I call someone sweet who is sexually stunning???

Hot(M)BC said...

Aw :) We're glad to see that Patches let you sleep by her. That's super! Sisfurs are fun to sleep near. We don't think Patches looks like a transformer tho. We think she looks like a classy lady cat! Those name things are funny sometimes. hehehe
Boni, Mini, Sanjee and Pepi

::waves paws:: Hi to Gree! Hope you're having fun with your best furriend Mistrie, sis!

DKM said...

Wow - look how big Precious has gotten! She's all grown up now.

a fluffy feline friend said...

Goodness me Precious! You look furry big in that first picture!

Furry good to see that you girls are getting on. :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are interesting meanings!

Precious, I'm glad that Patches lets you sleep by her now. :) That's terrific!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It's good Patches let yoo sleep beside her, but hafn't yoo grown!!!
Yoo look so big next to her.

Spoiler said...

Thanks for sending so many nice people over to my blog.

momsbusy said...

somethings just take time. wuz it worth the wait? we finks so.

yuki & kimko

Lux said...

You all look so sweet together!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

yea girls!!

Leona said...

Stopping by to say Meow!

HE HE HE Guy is still waiting for me to let him sleep close- He is going to wait a LONG time!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yay, yoo were pashent and it pade off. Eether that or she wuz cold, hehehe.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Wow! Precious looks amost as big as Patches already. You ladies are so pretty. I hope Mittens can adjust to Precious, too. There seem to be lots of posts today bout gettin along. Purrs!
Pee Ess: The verification word includes the word "hapy" in the middle - Happy! I am; I hope you are!

Just Ducky said...

Yay, Victor was blogging about Bonnie tolerating him. Patches is learning to tolerate Precious. Just like siblings, you gotta learn to get along.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well, if you're not quite "cuddling", at least you are "tolerating."

Anonymous said...

Awww..such cute pictures. I love the look of the blog too. Good luck and have a nice day.
You could also drop into my blog on friendship greeting cards for some beautiful e-greeting cards and friendly tips.


Precious how could Patches resist you? You have become more beautiful with each passing day.

Now if only I could get Abby to accept her fursisters and brofurs.


Shilgiah the Cat said...

You look so sweet snuggling. And toasty too.

Thanks for letting mom know you live not only in the Big Piney Woods but in ski country. She wants to come ski there now! We'd just as soon stay inside and snuggle like you.

The Crew said...

Hahahaha! Very good names, girls. Max still won't let me lay by him, but at least now he doesn't hiss at me every time I walk near him. I think it's about time...I've been here 8 months already1

Your friend
Misty E

Anonymous said...

aww - soon you'll be enjoying a cuddly nap pile!
we really like your names. Mittens, could you teach our Lady how to make ravioli?