Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Update 2
Calicomom's DIL
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Update on Toni
Just wanted to let you all know that Toni's surgery went very well. I will let her give the details, but she is doing fine. She and CalicoDad were headed for the camper to let Toni rest when I left them. We're not sure when she will be back blogging but we'll keep you updated.
CalicoMom's DIL
Monday, September 18, 2006
Last Post For A While
Well, tomorrow is the big day. Today I have a lot to do to get ready, washing clothes, cleaning, grocery shopping, litter boxes washed out, bedding changed, etc..
We decided to take our camper to Spokane and stay in it, in the parking lot, overnight. (Tuesday night) That way, after the surgery, we can just get in the camper and stay, rather than finding a motel room, as I have a follow-up appointment at 7:30 AM. Then, we will drive home Wed. morning. I imagine another appointment will be scheduled in 9 days.
My daughter-in-law is going to post updates for me.
Thanks to all of you for your well wishes and good thoughts. Special thanks to EdselsMom, who sent me the cutest calico stuffed kitty to cuddle, a book, a handpainted tiny card with a tuxedo and calico cat on it, some kitty grass for the girls, and a cat puzzle (1,000 pcs) for my husband, so he has something to do, besides listen to me whine. Also, Sue, in Loughton, England, who has been such a good friend, for many years. Thanks to Derby'sMom for the nice post and asking for purrayers. Thanks to the MeezerMom for the delightful card. Thanks to anyone I have missed....sorry, things are a bit hectic. You all have been unbelievable.
Talk to you all as soon as I can.
Anycat can come over anytime and visit. The girls look forward to the company, and so do I.
CalicoMom Toni
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Things I Have Learned
1. It is never too cold, too hot, wet, or windy.
2. I am never hungry or thirsty and I don't have to worry about bad animals or people.
3. There are things called "toys" to play with. One looks like a blue mouse with a bell on it's tail. I have never seen a blue mouse, let alone one with a bell on it's tail, have you? I have fun playing with it, though. I never knew about playing before, so I am learning. (Momma is teaching me.)
4. Momma likes to kiss me.
5. There are two other HUGE cats, in the cabin. There is another HUGE cat outside, who likes to peek in at me. I think she likes me. The other two whisper that I am trespassing on their turf. All I want to do is cuddle up with them.
6. Momma thinks my toes are cute, so I touch her face with them. Sometimes I show her how I make happy toes and purr to her. Now I have something to be happy and purr about!
Friday, September 15, 2006
I Belong!!!

Oh, I am so excited. I am now a real part of the Big Piney Woods Cats. Momma added my name to the email list, as well as to the profile; but best of all, I have a whole special section dedicated to me, with my picture, and story, in the sidebar. It makes me feel very special, a special Tiny Girl.
~Precious Flower~
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Not Fair
We had some company, but they didn't stay here, overnight. It is a good thing, as I am having to put up with this tiny, skinny, girlcat, who has taken over the bedroom and comes waltzing out at night, like she owns the place. I put the growl and hiss on her, but she just looks at me. Most of the time, she hangs on the end of the bed, but when the sun goes down, she prowls around. You can see my hair is simply standing on end. This is so not fair.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Unexpected Company
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Precious Moves
Monday, September 11, 2006
In Rememberance
Today is the anniversary of 9/11. It is a day to reflect on the terrible tragedy that happened to our country and our people. Our thoughts go out to all those who lost loved ones and friends, in this horrible disaster. It will always be on our minds. Our country will never be the same.
CalicoMom Toni
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Kitty Angels
Max said the following in our comments, and we feel it is important for all to read.
"Buddah and I have been discussing this, because he's wanted to know about angels and such...I think angels come in all forms, and PK (she's gonna be PK to me, even if she is a Flower...) had angels in kitten form. She was obviously not feral and really needed a People, and her kittens made sure she got a People."
Max, thank you for this. Momma feels the same way about things. No, she sure wasn't feral, she was very tame and sweet. Momma is so glad she is the People, Precious Kitty found.

Saturday, September 09, 2006
Gree's Visit

Friday, September 08, 2006
Meant To Be

I appreciate, so much, all of your comments. I wanted to get around to all of your blogs, but I simply haven't had the time. Please know, you all mean so much to me. Thanks, all of you. (The picture was taken the day I brought her home, she snuggled up to me.)
Calicomom Toni
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Final Kitten News

I will never walk by the Corner Woods without a pang in my heart. I did what I could, I saved one life. Hopefully, this will inspire someone else to "save a life." I NEVER had any intentions of having more than two cats in the house, but one look at this tiny, bony, sick, girl and there was no doubt what the outcome would be. She went into the carrier so easily; she trusted me immediately. I love her so.
CalicoMom Toni
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Feeling Neglected

Momma is trying to give me extra attention. I do sit on her lap a lot, and that is nice. Mittens is ignoring her, I suppose she thinks if she does this, she will just go away.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Happy Labor Day!
Precious Update: She is starting to play. Batting at a blue mouse and biting it.
Kitten Update: I went to the corner woods and this time, put out the food and hid behind a stump. After half an hour a tabby appeared (not one of the kittens) and started eating. No kittens in sight. I had to move, and when I did, the cat disappeared. The cat is well fed and healthy, probably lives in the yellow house further up the path, that is the direction it came from. I am hoping the kittens have taken up residence at the cabin. I will go back today and wait again, and see what appears.
CalicoMom Toni
Sunday, September 03, 2006
My Very Own Signature
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Meet Precious
Hi! My name is Precious Flower. I am the newest member of The Calico Girls, but like Mistrie, I am not a calico, however, I will be living in the Inside with Patches and Mittens.
The picture below is right before Momma took me.
Here I am today, don't I look much better, already?
I am a tiny girl (like William is a tiny boy.) I was such a good Momma to my kittens, and felt so bad to leave them, but, I know, I would not have lived much longer the way I felt. Momma is going to do everything she can to trap them and keep them, or give them to a loving furrever home. She says maybe they could become Outside kitties and keep Mistrie company.
I have a huge poofy tail and it is that way all the time. I am very proud of my lovely tail. I have long hair sticking out of my ears, too. My coat is very thin right now, but once Momma fattens me up, she thinks my hair will fill in. She says it seems to be medium length. She has to use a very soft brush, because I am so thin, but I love it when she pampers me.
I am in a room upstairs in the cabin, where the people keep their litter box. The door is shut, but I know The Girls are aware of my presence. Patches knocks once in awhile but Momma says it is too soon, so she keeps us apart.
~Precious Flower~
(Momma needs to make me my very own signature, don't you think? I am so young I can only print, but that would be ok, right? Oh, and I am like Miles; I have trouble telling my right paw from my left paw, but they shaved my right leg in the hospital place, so now I can tell. I have much to learn.)
Friday, September 01, 2006
Precious Flower
Mittens went into extreme hiding when she saw me bring in the carrier, never mind there was another cat in there; I wasn't going to take her to the vet. I had to track her down, she was under the pillow, on our bed. Patches, well, she is surprising me. I brought her upstairs and cracked the door, they touched noses, Patches jumped sideways, make her little chirp and went downstairs. I think I haven't heard and seen the worst of it, though. The last time, when I brought Mittens home, she threw herself against the door, yowling. Of course, she has gotten numerous treats for her good manners. I put Mittens in front of the cracked door, she looked and left. Since then, Patches came up twice and scratched on the door.
I have more wormer for her and Revolution. Not much else to tell......oh, they named her Flower at the vets. I told them I had named her Precious Momma, but Flower sure fit her, so I decided to change it to Precious Flower. The vet is a young lady, absolutely wonderful. I am switching to their clinic! (They are building a new, huge building.) She told me if I catch the kittens I can bring them in immediately! Now that is nice. They all loved her so, said they would miss her. The one technician said she purred like crazy for her. She is a very friendly, loving, tiny girl. Patches and Mittens seem huge to me now, so solid and filled out. Of course, Mistrie knows nothing of the newcomer, yet.
CalicoMom Toni