Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday's Photo For Contest

We have received 2 feet of snow since Wednesday. About half has melted, thankfully. They are calling for temps in the 50's by the middle of the week! Yeah!

1 George (The Crew)
2 Buddah
3 Kimiko (Momsbusy)
4 Miles Meezer
5 Orlando Bun
7 Pixel
10 Midnight (Cat Crossings)
12 Latte
13 Tavi (Camie's Kitties)
14 Cheysuli and Gemini
15 Skeeter
16 Scooby, Shaggy, Scout
17 Eric
18 The Tower Hills Mob
20 Sophia
21 Cody (Camie's Kitties)
22 Flynn
24 Chase
24 LC (double guess, Momma didn't catch it, so LC will be second place.)
25 Poppy Q
27 Max (Psychokitty)
28 Queen Snickers and Empress
29 Fiona Bun

1 Beezer
4 Kiara (Lone Star Purrs)
10 Ayla
28 Muffin

1 Rascal

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Short Break

Momma says we have to take a short break, cuz she is too sicky to help us. She says she has the crud. She says probably most of your Mommas have had it, and know what it is. She says she feels like she has been run over by a truck (she isn't flat, though.) She also takes drugs!!!!! She puts these wafers in water and they fizz all ofurr the place and she makes the most horrid face when she drinks it. Why would anyone drink somefing that tastes bad? Anyway, she says we will be back on Monday for the contest picher..........oh, and it is supposed to snow for the next free days, and that doesn't help with her mood. So.....see you on Monday.

~Mittens Pollypaws~

From CalicoMom Toni: Just a short note. We received at least a foot of snow overnight, and a big storm is heading our way for Friday and Saturday.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I have been tagged by Eric and Flynn furr the middle name meme.

Here is what I must do:
List one fact about myself beginning with each letter of my middle name.
My name is Mistrie here goes......

R....Round.......... I have got a lot of furr to keep me warm, when it is cold.
O....Outdoors..... I love to live in the out, and now I have Winter.
S.....Sweet.......... Aren't we all???
E....Evasive........ I only come around when I want to. I only let Momma pet me.

~Mistrie Rose~

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday's Photo For Contest

24 Jinx (Debra)
25 Kintaro (Momsbusy)
26 Tipper (The Crew)
27 Yuki (Momsbusy)
28 Sammy Meezer
29 Maxie (Cat Crossings)
30 Tuxie (Cat Crossings)
31 Max (the Crew)

1 George (The Crew)
2 Buddah
3 Kimiko (Momsbusy)
4 Miles Meezer
5 Orlando Bun
7 Pixel
10 Midnight (Cat Crossings)
12 Latte
13 Tavi (Camie's Kitties)
14 Cheysuli and Gemini
15 Skeeter
16 Scooby, Shaggy, Scout
17 Eric
18 The Tower Hills Mob
20 Sophia
21 Cody (Camie's Kitties)
22 Flynn
24 Chase
24 LC (double guess, Momma didn't catch it, so LC will be second place.)
25 Poppy Q
27 Max (Psychokitty)
28 Queen Snickers and Empress
29 Fiona Bun

1 Beezer
4 Kiara (Lone Star Purrs)
10 Ayla
28 Muffin

1 Rascal

Monday News

Momma has the sickies and company, too. She said she took a picher yesterday of the snow pile, and will try to get it posted amarrow. We need to purr on her.

~Patches Lady~

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

From The Big Piney Woods

~CalicoMom Toni~

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hemlock Haven

Many of you have heard Momma talk about Hemlock Haven. It is a nice little place, on the south side of the house, with two hemlock trees, next to the deck. The deck is open underneath and that is where scairt, outside kitties go to hide. This was Winter's home all winter. This is also where Mistrie and Gree meet in the summer and hang out.

The snow has melted a little. The white you see, next to the house, is one of the insulated outside beds. Underneath those trees is the feeding station (you can barely make it out.)

This is the other end of Hemlock Haven. The blue you see is the bigger insulated bed that is under the deck. (The one Momma had to keep digging out in front of, so she could change the bedding.)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Oh No, More Snow!!!

This is the dam, just below the pond, as the snow melts.

This is the back of the cabin. You can see the edge of the pond, still frozen. There is still about 1/3 of the snow left, that gives you some idea of how much we had this year.

Weather Update: We are getting snow today, maybe up to 6 more inches. (This picture was taken yesterday.) I am SOOOOO sick of this.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday Thirteen By Precious

Why I Love My Daddy So

1. He has the best lap.
2. He plays "fingers" and "attack the squiggle" all the time.
3. He nefurr yells at me, or efun tells me the NO werd.
4. He calls me "HIS liddle Squirt."
5. Momma puts me in solitary confinement, but Daddy lets me out. *
6. He preciates my bug getting capabilities.
7. He nefur makes me get off his lap, efun when his legs go to sleep and he has portant man things to do.
8. He tells me what a purrty gurl I am.
9. He has a great belly for making biscuits.
10. He unfolds my ear when it turns inside out, Momma just laughs and thinks it is cute. It happens lots when I wash.
11. He always looks for me, when he has been gone.
12. He lets me sleep in his chair and doesn't asurb me.
13. He loves me unconditionally.

* Solitary Confinement is the guest bedroom, with great accomdations. She actually likes going to bed in her room at night, and will lead me in there. CalicoMom Toni

Also, Mistrie Rose was tagged by Eric and Flynn for a meme. It will be sometime next week before I can help her with it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wordless Whisker Wednesday

~Mittens Pollypaws~ (aka Walrus Whiskers)

Update from CalicoMom Toni: We always wondered about Mistrie and Winter, and how they were interacting. We got our first chance to find out, last night. Winter was sitting on the back deck on the seat, and Mistrie came from the front of the house, on the south side, through the bushes, as the snow has receded there. She got real "cat flat" and stalked up on Winter, who just looked at her. Eventually, Mistrie jumped up on the deck, right below Winter. Winter finally turned around and started backing up, eventually jumping down, and, we figure, went under the deck. It has been three months since Winter came, we somehow thought they would be better friends, but Mistrie is very possessive of her territory; maybe in time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hi, My Name Is Winter

and I am the newest member of The Big Piney Woods Cats. The Momma Lady I see in the cabin calls me Winter Ghost. (Ghost because I disappear a lot.) She doesn't know if I am a boy or a gurl. The only thing she does know is that I appeared one day in mid December, furry skinny and afraid, afore the big snows came , eating Mistrie's fud. She followed my toe prints a long way in the woods afore she turned around. I found the bed under the deck out back, and wud come to the front to eat after dark. Then the snow got so bad the Momma Lady made a path between the house and the huge snow bank. She had to bend ofur so she wouldn't hit her head on the roof. Efurryday she brought a big spoon and scooped the snow away from my insulated house and she put a feeding station up for me, so I didn't have to leave. The snows were so deep, I couldn't go anywhere. Mistrie kept checking on me though. (She followed the Momma Lady's path,) but she really doesn't like me much. Now the snow is crusted and hard and has melted down, so I am out and about, again. Momma Lady looked at me through the window and I looked back, furry nicely, curling my tail around my tosies. The calico with the big toes looked at me for a long time, too. I have seen two other cats in the cabin, but they don't pay me no mind.

~Winter Ghost~

Note from CalicoMom Toni......this is the first time I have seen Winter looks so at ease and happy, and in good shape. Gone is the terrible fear in her eyes. He/she is perfectly marked, with a raccoon tail. I have never seen Winter and Mistrie interact, although Mistrie will sit for hours, right where Winter is sitting. Mistrie re-marks everything daily. She loves the girls so much, I was hoping they would become good friends, she (Mistrie) seems so lonesome sometimes.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday's Photo For Contest


As you can see, we have lost a lot of snow, since last week. I took this picture at a different angle, closer, to get the whole pile. That post sticking out of the ground, to the far left, is the post to my clothesline (good marker.) You can even see grass (this is the path to get wood, so was kept open) and the logs are still there, although they have slid down.

Update on weather: Woke up to an inch of snow, falling heavily. More snow on the way for tomorrow. CalicoMomToni

17 Kaze
18 Ping (Debra)
19 Tiki (Camie's Kitties)
20 Misty (The Crew)
21 Gracie (Debra)
22 Lux
23 Dino (Cat Crossings)
24 Jinx (Debra)
25 Kintaro (Momsbusy)
26 Tipper (The Crew)
27 Yuki (Momsbusy)
28 Sammy Meezer
29 Maxie (Cat Crossings)
30 Tuxie (Cat Crossings)
31 Max (the Crew)

1 George (The Crew)
2 Buddah
3 Kimiko (Momsbusy)
4 Miles Meezer
5 Orlando Bun
7 Pixel
10 Midnight (Cat Crossings)
12 Latte
13 Tavi (Camie's Kitties)
14 Cheysuli and Gemini
15 Skeeter
16 Scooby, Shaggy, Scout
17 Eric
18 The Tower Hills Mob
20 Sophia
21 Cody (Camie's Kitties)
22 Flynn
24 Chase
24 LC (double guess, Momma didn't catch it, so LC will be second place.)
25 Poppy Q
27 Max (Psychokitty)
28 Queen Snickers and Empress
29 Fiona Bun

1 Beezer
4 Kiara (Lone Star Purrs)
10 Ayla
28 Muffin

1 Rascal

Friday, March 14, 2008

Just Sitting Here


Will spring efurr come? Patches told me they are forecasting snow tonight. I am tired of my tosies getting cold.

I keep patrolling Hemlock Haven, where Winter comes around to eat. I haven't seen her lately, but the raccoons eated all my fud last night. There is less and less wood in the woodshed, but still plenty of space for my bed.

~Mistrie Rose~

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thirteen Things I Don't Like

by Patches (giving "the look")

When Momma

1. brings out the vacuum monster to feed it, on our furs.
2. won't give me a treat when I beg so nicely.
3. tells me to "knock it off," when I am just trying to have fun with Mittens.
4. interrupts my nap by taking pichers.
5. makes me move ofurr in MY chair, so she can sit down.
6. messes with my furrs and tries to turn my ears inside out, when I am on her lap.
7. won't let me in the fud closet.
8. calls me Patchy Noodle.
9. makes me get off the banister cuz she says it is danjerus.
10. takes Mittens fud away frum me.
11. won't let me go in the out, even though I really don't want to go there.
12. doesn't believe me when I say I am "the innocent one."
13. picks me up and stretches me out, flying me across the room, singing "Wonder Woman."

~Patches Lady~

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Snow and Forest guessed correctly. It was a moose.

There has been an extremely large amount of moose everywhere in North Idaho ,and even Spokane, Washington, this winter. The the snow is so deep they can't get around, so they are forced to stay on the roads and people's driveways. They forage for brush they can find, sticking out of the snow, and, in my case, my cedar trees, which they have done a fantastic job of pruning (not happy.) We have a female that is walking out on the pond. I am not sure how thick the ice is, and I really hate to see her do that. Yesterday, she was eating my cedar tree, so I threw some snowballs at her (moose can be mean so it is best not to get to close, or have a tree handy) but, like my husband said, "she is pretty safe with you throwing anything." Sadly, many moose have been killed by trains, as they find the tracks easy to navigate, but don't know enough to get out of the way, when a train comes.
Daisy mentioned the poops were tiny. They are about 4 times the size of a deer (hard to tell by the picture.) They are shaped much like a deer's poop, (more like a football.) The tracks are much like an elk, in fact, sometimes it is really hard to tell the difference.

~CalicoMom Toni~

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What Is It...CONTEST

UPDATE: We have a winner, Snow and Forest! Yes, it is a moose.
Momma said it will be awhile afore we have a winner on our snow melting contest, so she is going to have anuffer one. So, what is in the picture above.

The following track was seen close by.


1. The first one to guess correctly (in the comments) is the winner.
2. Only cat bloggers, with a cat or cats (not just a blogger ID) are eligible.
3. You must be specific, for example, cow, not poop. (It isn't a cow, by the way.)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday's Photo For Contest

As you can see, the snow has receded a tiny bit. The logs you see are trees our Daddy sawed down, cut to length, and peeled. He is going to redo our front porch, using them as support for the rafters. He winched them out of the woods and will put log oil on them. The project (expanding the size of the porch and putting the pitch the other way so snow doesn't keep falling on our walkway) will have to wait until the snow melts. Our power box is now visible, behind the poles, also what is left of Momma's clothesline.

11 Egypt (Cat Crossings)
13 Meeko (Lone Star Purrs)
14 Boo (Debra)
15 Derby
16 Abby (Debra)
17 Kaze
18 Ping (Debra)
19 Tiki (Camie's Kitties)
20 Misty (The Crew)
21 Gracie (Debra)
22 Lux
23 Dino (Cat Crossings)
24 Jinx (Debra)
25 Kintaro (Momsbusy)
26 Tipper (The Crew)
27 Yuki (Momsbusy)
28 Sammy Meezer
29 Maxie (Cat Crossings)
30 Tuxie (Cat Crossings)
31 Max (the Crew)

1 George (The Crew)
2 Buddah
3 Kimiko (Momsbusy)
4 Miles Meezer
5 Orlando Bun
7 Pixel
10 Midnight (Cat Crossings)
12 Latte
13 Tavi (Camie's Kitties)
14 Cheysuli and Gemini
15 Skeeter
16 Scooby, Shaggy, Scout
17 Eric
18 The Tower Hills Mob
20 Sophia
21 Cody (Camie's Kitties)
22 Flynn
24 Chase
24 LC (double guess, Momma didn't catch it, so LC will be second place.)
25 Poppy Q
27 Max (Psychokitty)
28 Queen Snickers and Empress
29 Fiona Bun

1 Beezer
4 Kiara (Lone Star Purrs)
10 Ayla
28 Muffin

1 Rascal

Friday, March 07, 2008

Another Hour Lost

I overheard Momma telling Daddy they were going to lose that hour again, on Saturday night. This has happened ofurr and ofurr, and I always find it, hiding in the clock. I keep telling them where it is, but they don't listen, so let them find it themselves. I am going to nap.

~Mittens Pollypaws~

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Name Issues

I feel like I am "all grown up," now. Daddy still calls me "Squirt," and I think that is a baby name. Patches thinks it is funny, and Mittens says, "how would you like the middle name Pollypaws?" I think I would like to be called Ms. Tabbygurlcat. That sounds furry mature. I doubt that will efurr happen, tho.

~Precious Flower~

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Hair Washings

After I have had my evening nap on Momma's lap, I climb up on the top of the chair. I notice her hair is, well, shall I say, stinky. It has that soapy smell we hate, so I give it a good washing. Sometimes she looks up at me and thanks me, and then I give her a kiss on the nose. I am making a lot of points, which will come in handy, when I pick on Mittens. Her and I have some lovely chats. It is fun to look down on her, not the other way around.

~Patches Lady~

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Another Award

We gotted anufurr award from Brainball, to all us gurls. Thanks so much!! Momma maded a page special for all our awards and you can find them HERE. There is a linky to our awards in our sidebar, too.

~Patches Lady~

Monday, March 03, 2008

Monday's Photo For Contest

Look at the photo from last Monday for a better idea of the difference. All the snow is off the roof and the window is becoming visible. To the left is the MeezerDad's trailer. Two weeks ago, it wasn't visible.

Weather right now: Snowing heavily, more snow expected.

3 Daisy
7 Edsel
11 Egypt (Cat Crossings)
13 Meeko (Lone Star Purrs)
14 Boo (Debra)
15 Derby
16 Abby (Debra)
17 Kaze
18 Ping (Debra)
19 Tiki (Camie's Kitties)
20 Misty (The Crew)
21 Gracie (Debra)
22 Lux
23 Dino (Cat Crossings)
24 Jinx (Debra)
25 Kintaro (Momsbusy)
26 Tipper (The Crew)
27 Yuki (Momsbusy)
28 Sammy Meezer
29 Maxie (Cat Crossings)
30 Tuxie (Cat Crossings)
31 Max (the Crew)

1 George (The Crew)
2 Buddah
3 Kimiko (Momsbusy)
4 Miles Meezer
5 Orlando Bun
7 Pixel
10 Midnight (Cat Crossings)
12 Latte
13 Tavi (Camie's Kitties)
14 Cheysuli and Gemini
15 Skeeter
16 Scooby, Shaggy, Scout
17 Eric
18 The Tower Hills Mob
20 Sophia
21 Cody (Camie's Kitties)
22 Flynn
24 Chase
24 LC (double guess, Momma didn't catch it, so LC will be second place.)
25 Poppy Q
27 Max (Psychokitty)
28 Queen Snickers and Empress
29 Fiona Bun

1 Beezer
4 Kiara (Lone Star Purrs)
10 Ayla
28 Muffin

1 Rascal