Please keep all kitties safe and indoors tonight.
~The Big Piney Woods Cats and Calicomom Toni~
~Precious Flower~
On Saturday, Momma went up to Sugar Mountain to check on the Meezer twins, because their Momma and Daddy were gone for three days. They came charging down the stairs, when she opened the door.
Molly Mew and Bonnie Big Eyes, in no particular order, because Momma can't tell them apart.
MommaPaige had left them plenty of food, but the water had a buggy floating in it, so Momma gave them fresh, scooped their litterbox, gave them treats and cuddled and talked to them. (They didn't want to cuddle much.)
More pictures next Monday.
~Patches Lady~
At least she lets me nap close to her.
Many of my furriends have expressed a desire to come and play with me. This is an open inbitashun for anycat to come ofurr, anytimes. We can run like our butts are on fire, tease Patches, play with all my toys, run up and down the cat tree, play hide and seek, playbox, and when we get tired, nap on the furless ones napping place. Lots of food is always around, too.
~Precious Flower~
My Grandma, who I nefurr met, used to tell my Momma, "if wishes were horses then beggers might ride." Momma says I can be a begger at times, but I sure don't want a horse, they poop way too much.
Here are some of my wishes:
** When someone makes a comment on your blog, there would be a way to answer them. Also, when I try to post a comment, that dreaded IE says it can't find it, when I know it is there.
** Momma would LISTEN to me when I talk at her.
** Precious would leave me alone when I am trying to sleep
** Momma would leave my food bowl down all the time, instead of picking it up. (She says she doesn't want Mittens sneaking any of it and then puking up all ofurr the place.)
** I could post some secrit stuff in the night when efurry furrless one is asleep, but Momma always turns the puter in the off position.
** I could go in the Out, by myself, and look for the fairies that Mistrie plays with.
~Patches Lady~
I think we are supposed to choose 5 other cat bloggers to give it to. However we love so many, we can't choose just five.
In other mews:
Mittens is much better now. Momma gives her lactulose twice daily and 1 Tbsp of pumpkin once a day for consipashun, and she loves it. She is combing her good, efurry morning, to help with the hairball situation.
We all went to One-Eyed Jacks party. Even though Precious had her gotcha day in Sept. and her purrday is in Dec. (we think) she begged to go. They had a great hall where she could do her run like my butt is on fire. Wow, the food and drinks, it was amazing! I gotted to spend more time with my Brainball, too.
It is truly fall in the Big Piney Woods. These pichers were taken in our front yard.
~Patches Lady~
Be the FIRST cat blog to comment and tell me what I forgot, to win!
Send your full name, address and city/state/zip to
(Something special for the furless one from the Big Piney Woods, too.)
We have a winner: Kaze, Latte, and Chase....Concatulations!!!
Sammy and Lily (guessed first but don't have a blog, but Momma is going to send them a little something.)
Brainball is a he-mancat and he wants me to be his ladycat and I said "yes." We Piney Woods Girls are attracted to ginger boys, Precious has Beezer, you know.
~Patches Lady~
3. After the rain clouds started to leave, there was snow in the mountains
4. All the summer birds have left
5. The sunspots are great because of the angle of the sun now
6. Momma is starting to get rid of some of the Pet Tunias that have stopped flowering