Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow Melting Contest

Contest is closed.
Acuz I have nefur had a contest, Momma said I could host one. I thoughted and thoughted and then asided to have a snow melting contest, cuz we have so much in the Big Piney Woods. The pile of snow for the contest will be the snow next to the garage, where the metal monsters and snow eating monster sleeps. (behind me) You can see the pile that will be the contest pile, to my right, and Momma took a picher Monday, which is at the bottom of this post. This post is the last for us for this week, so lotsa cats can enter.

Here are the rules:

1. Guess the month/day the snow is completely gone, not even an ice patch left.
2. Post your guess in the comment section of this post. Only cat bloggers, please.
3. The cat getting closest, without going over, wins.
4. If someone has guessed your date, you can't use it. Choose another.
5. Contest is open from right now, and closes Sunday, Feb. 3 . at 6:00 PM PST. At that time, Momma will make a list of the entrants, and guesses, and post them on Monday, Feb. 4.
6. One guess only, per cat. If you have more than one cat, each can enter, but make shure they sign their name.

Hint: Momma says the snow can melt real fast, if a south wind comes up or if it rains or gets really warm. We are also due for another week of snow, so that pile will probably get taller. We are getting ANOTHER storm right now, with a bigger one on Thursday. Hope that helps! Momma will take weekly pichers and post them on Monday.

The winner will be announced the day after the snow is gone.

Taken Monday morning, Jan. 28th.

I am going to attempt to make a list, to help you pick dates that aren't used. This list isn't complete, as new guesses are made before I can add them, so please check prior comments. Here is the list I have, so far: Please correct me if you see an error ..... Of course, prizes will be sent to the winning cat.......CalicoMom Toni

3 Daisy
7 Edsel
11 Egypt (Cat Crossings)
13 Meeko (Lone Star Purrs)
14 Boo (Debra)
15 Derby
16 Abby (Debra)
17 Kaze
18 Ping (Debra)
19 Tiki (Camie's Kitties)
20 Misty (The Crew)
21 Gracie (Debra)
22 Lux
23 Dino (Cat Crossings)
24 Jinx (Debra)
25 Kintaro (Momsbusy)
26 Tipper (The Crew)
27 Yuki (Momsbusy)
28 Sammy Meezer
29 Maxie (Cat Crossings)
30 Tuxie (Cat Crossings)
31 Max (the Crew)

1 George (The Crew)
2 Buddah
3 Kimiko (Momsbusy)
4 Miles Meezer
5 Orlando Bun
7 Pixel
10 Midnight (Cat Crossings)
12 Latte
13 Tavi (Camie's Kitties)
14 Cheysuli and Gemini
15 Skeeter
16 Scooby, Shaggy, Scout
17 Eric
18 The Tower Hills Mob
20 Sophia
21 Cody (Camie's Kitties)
22 Flynn
24 Chase
24 LC (double guess, Momma didn't catch it, so LC will be second place.)
25 Poppy Q
27 Max (Psychokitty)
28 Queen Snickers and Empress
29 Fiona Bun

1 Beezer
4 Kiara (Lone Star Purrs)
10 Ayla
10 Blackie (Blackie's blog isn't eligible for a prize, as it is a human, there is no cat. The following is a quote from his profile "I DO NOT OWN ANY CATS."
28 Muffin

1 Rascal

Monday, January 28, 2008

Upcoming Contest

Momma said tomorrow (Tuesday) I get to host my furry own furrst contest! It is open to all cat bloggers. She said I could give one hint. The hint is snow!!! You can read all about it and the rules, Tuesday morning. The contest will run until Sunday and we won't be posting until the contest closes. That gives everycat a chance to enter. Also, this contest has nefurr been done afore. I am cited! I have to give credit to Scooby, Shaggy, and Scout. They said, on Friday's post, it looked like it wood be June afore the snow was gone. Oh, I hope I didn't give it away.

~Precious Flower~

Pee Ess: Yesterday we gotted 20 inches more snow. The window behind me is all white now, I can't see out of my perch anymores!!! They are forecasting another foot on Thursday. And, NO, it isn't how much snow we are going to get. Oh, this is so much fun!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I gottted tagged for the following meme, by Derby:

What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?

Go in the out and stay OVERNIGHT!!!
Catch and eat a birdie and a mousie.
Peek into Precious' brainhead and see what in the world is going on in there.


I gotted tagged for the same meme by topcatrules:

Here is mine:

Beat Patches at a boxing match.
Go bisit with the fairies and spend the afternoon.
Kill the furnace monster so I don't have to hide under the bed when he rumbles.


This meme originated from Petpics Blog. We are apposed to tag free others, but we can't agree (no surprise there) so we tag anycat who wants to play.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Yes, We Have Snow!!!

This is our garage. That is Momma's clothesline.

This is the path Daddy keeps open so Mistrie can go around back. We got 6 more inches since this was taken. That is the pond in the background.

Forecast: Sat through Sun. 5 to 9 inches of snow expected.

~Patches Lady~

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Strange Searches

Parker was listing the funny things people search for, and end up on his blog. Well, I asided to check that out. We had a bunch of funny ones, but the most asturbing one was:

"pichers of girls with no cloth on"
I won't let Momma put cloth on me, so I guess the search turned out positive for the searcher, as they saw me without cloth on.

Another asturbing one was:

"purr throat operation"
Nobody better mess with my purr machine!!!!


Pee Ess: I was tagged by topcatrules and Precious was tagged by Derby, for memes. We will do them on Saturday.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Off To Bisit Beezie

Yesterday, Patches kept ignoring me. Then, Beezie, my handsomest mancat, invited me furr a bisit. I got to nap wif him in his new bed and his Momma had put great nip on it. I got to look at sumfing asides cold snow, too. It was great!

~Precious Flower~

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fairyman Jack

Precious: See, Patches, all my furriends that commented, said they seen the fairyman Jack. It wasn't my maginations.

Patches: Puts paw over eyes
Precious: Patches, are you listening to me??
Patches: Swishes tail, slaps it hard. Looks at Precious with narrowed eyes.
Precious: OK, wanna box?

Patches: NO!!! MOMMA!!!!!!
Precious: SHHHH.......Don't call Momma.......I am going to look for that Jack the Frostman Fairy; you are no fun!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Precious Tells A Tail

Precious: Patches, come quick, I think I see a fairy. And it is a man fairy and he painted pussy toes on the window, in colors!

Patches: Let me sleep, Squirt. The fairies are hibratating. The only one around now is Jack Frost, and he really isn't a fairy.
Precious: Please cum luk!!!
Patches: Oh, for meowing out loud. OK.......where?
Precious: :points paw: Over there.

Patches: Looks the same to me, you just wanted to asurb me.
Precious: I saw sufing, I nose I did!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

We Just Heard

Caesar of Caesar and Princess's Happy Place quietly went to Rainbow Bridge, in his sleep, last night. Our thoughts go out to his family. We will miss you, sweet man!


Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday Flowers

Yes, Momma has cabin fever, so she made me put the picher of her fowlers, she took last summers. I had some ofurr important fings that are boffering me, like why do sunspots move or not appear at all, for weeks on end, why are the windows always shut tight, where are the robins; things of major portance. These portant things seemed to have disappeared or changed, and it is a mystery. I must vestigage.

~Patches Lady~

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Thoughts

Rules for Non-Pet Owners Who Visit and Like to Complain About Our Pets:

1. They live here. You don't.

2. If you don't want hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. (That's why they call it "fur"niture.)

3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.

4. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughter who is short, hairy, walks on all fours, and does not speak clearly.

Remember: Dogs and cats are better than kids because they: eat less, don't ask for money all the time, are easier to train, usually come when called, never drive your car, don't hang out with drug-using friends, don't smoke or drink, don't worry about having to buy the latest fashions, don't wear your clothes, don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and if they get pregnant, you can sell their children.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Look.......look........look........we gotted awards!!! We are so happy, thank you so much. The rules say we must give it to 5 blogs that make you think and make your day, but, after much deliberations, we asided they all make us think, and they all make our days, we wouldn't want to furrget anycat.

From Miles and Sammy, William, and topcatrules.

We also got the following award from The Ballicai

~Patches, Mittens, Mistrie, Precious~

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Annie Come Home

We are lighting a candle today for you, dear Annie, and sweet Mao, too.

~The Big Piney Woods Cats~

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Please Come Home!!!

All of us in the Big Piney Woods are purring real hard for the safe return of our furriend.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


We have been tagged for a meme about 7 weird things about us.

Eric and Flynn tagged Patches and Missy and KC tagged Mistrie. Fanks for finking of us! Here they are:

1. I prefer to live outside, rather than in.
2. I use the path of most resistance to get to my food. I climb the high snowbank behind the garage, rather than use the nice path Daddy blows.
3. I go looking for Winter Ghost every day in Hemlock Haven, and say "hi" (Momma changed her middle name from Storm to Ghost, because she only appears after dark, and Momma is lucky to get a glimpse of her.)
4. I hear the front door open at 5:30 AM and know fresh water is out.
5. I sometimes sit out in a rainstorm, in the summerstime. Momma says my furs are so thick, nothing gets through.
6. I love to watch and play with the fairies in the summerstime.
7. I have the tiniest of toes, and a flat tail. Momma says it is a beavertail.

1. Well, being purrfect, there is nothing weird at all about me, that in itself is weird.
2. I am afraid of the Sucky Monster and the Snow Monsters.
3. I start waking up the household at 4:00 AM; nobody should nap past then.
4. If Precious or Mittens sleep somewhere, I have to sleep there, too.
5. I sit behind Momma, on the top of her chair and snoopervise.
6. I alway checked out the meat before Momma cooks it, to make sure it is OK for human consumption.
7. I get furry upset when my Daddy goes fishing, and do a great job of ignoring him, when he comes home. Once I pooped in his pants. Well, he shouldn't have left them on the floor, and left me!! I learned that from Max. Thanks, buddy!!!

We are apposed to tag 7 other cats, but I think efurryone has played. If you haven't, and you want to, consider yourselves tagged.

~Patches and Mistrie~

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Big Brown Monster

There is another monster here! It is big and brown, with huge feets and a long nosey; and......and..........and.......it is alive!!!!. Momma says it is a moosey.It is 50 kittens high!!! It wuz up on our deck, cuz the snows is so deep it is following the path Daddy blowed for Mistrie, to go around to the back of the house. It is scarier than the Snow Monsters, efun werse than the Sucky Monster Momma used yesterday. I am hiding. I am sure it will eat me!!! (Patches said so.)

~Precious Flower~

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Snow Monsters

Precious: ...Momma, Patches told me there are white monsters on the roof. That is what is making the creepy noises, and she is efun hiding. She says they will get me and eat me or bury me in cold.

Momma:... Don't pay her no mind, little fluff butt. It is just snow sliding, as it warms up and gets too heavy. Patches likes to tell tails, I mean tales......

~CalicoMom Toni~

Monday, January 07, 2008

Speshul Day

Patches: I have heard Momma is the oldest blogger there is.

Mittens: How old is she, Patches?

Patches: I fink, older than dirt!.......shhhh....here she comes....


~Patches, Mittens, Mistrie, and Precious~

Friday, January 04, 2008

Friday In The White Piney Woods

Font walk, where do I put the new snow now?

Second story, with 4 ft. icicles.


Snow on the level: 4 feet
New snow yesterday: 4 inches
Number of times plow has destroyed mailbox: 4
Spring: Bound to come, eventually

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Winter Storm.......Update

I see Winter only at night, that is the only time she comes to feed. If I turn on the outside light, she runs. She is very hungry, very thin. She is staying under the back deck; I assume she is sleeping in the nice bed my husband built for Mistrie, completely insulated and out of the weather. Mistrie is up in the woodshed, yet we see her making daily visits under the deck. Winter is a gray, shorthaired tabby, with white bib, white paws, and one white back leg. She appears to be very young (I say she, because of her size.) I just read the following on trapping and spaying/neutering in the winter from Alley Cat Allies, therefore, I shall wait until late winter/early spring. (We got another 3 inches (at least) of snow last night.)

"You are right to be concerned about trapping during very cold, inclement weather. Winter is harsh in much of the U.S. and, despite the fact that we all want to prevent spring litters, trapping in extreme weather conditions defeats the goal of helping cats by jeopardizing their health.
The stress an animal endures from the process of trapping, transportation, vetting, and recovery is considerable in good weather. When the temperature is below freezing, with snow and ice on the ground, the cats need their energy just to stay warm and in decent health. In addition, standard trapping procedure involves withholding food so the cats are hungry and will take the bait in the traps. In harsh weather, withholding food is simply a bad idea. And when a female is shaved for a spay operation, whether a side (flank) or stomach (midline) incision, removing even this amount of fur inhibits her ability to stay warm when returned to her outdoor home."

~CalicoMom Toni~

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


OK, so if this is the New Year, what happened to the Old Year??

~Precious Flower~

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

From All The Cats In The Big White Piney Woods
And Calicomom Toni, too!!