Hi to all my furriends...
I just want to thank all of you for your kind thoughts and wishes. I don't know what they mean cuz I feel fine. Momma looks sad at me and has been snuggling me and giving me all sorts of good things.
I have been spending time reminiscing. My good furriend
Victor reminded me about the Napathon. That was the first kitty party, and we had such fun teaching everycat how to teleport.. We also hosted the Cat Olympics, which was tons of fun. Mistrie carried the torch from
Max and all the excitement helped her not to be so shy. Patches won a gold medal in the tub soccer competition. Then, I won a prize for my special big paws on the Pawprint Contest. Patches and Mistrie entered that contest, too.
A short history about me, for those who don't know........When I was 7, in 2000, I was brought to the shelter (it wasn't a no kill shelter then) where Momma was volunteering. She cleaned my cage and she was the only one I trusted. She knew my time was almost up, so she took me home and said I found my furrever home. For three years Patches and I went to Laughlin, Nevada and spent three months with Momma and Daddy in a condo . Yes, I have had a good life. I have wonderful memories and have been safe and secure and well loved in the cabin in the Big Piney Woods. I just wish I knew why Momma looks unhappy and stares at me so much. She keeps telling me she loves me, but I knew that. Patches seems nicer to me, too. She comes in my bedroom and naps and doesn't hassle me.
Again, thanks to all of you for the wonderful well wishes. Come on ofurr anytime and visit. I will be waiting for you in the guest bedroom.