Yes, Mom, I am ignoring you!
I am so tired! Leave me alone!
Watching for guests
1. Find a quiet place
2. Close eyes
3. Think "transport me to Patches closet, seven times" (magic number)
4. Boom....you are here!
Of course ,you can bring blankies, toys, whatever...we can have a "show and tell" of our favorites and compare....no need to bring food, that will be supplied.
Also, ifn you snores, that is OK....Mittens is great at that, so am my Dad!!! Sorry, kitties only, no adults, no dogs or other furry critters, you must be feline.
No cameras are allowed, so your purrson will never know where you actually were. Mom promises not to tell other purrsons who attends, even if her nails are pulled out! It's like Vegas, "what happens here, stays here."
Please go to the comments and say "I am coming" if you will attend so Mom knows how much food to prepare and how many beds to make.
Mom is making a list of everyone who is coming. If she has missed you, please let me know (she is getting furgetful.) We have the following so far:
Princess Mia
Scooby, Shaggy and Scout
Kelly Cat
Magoo, Smudge, Bella and Dolce
Bonnie Underfoot (Victor is in training for tub hockey so can't make it)
Victor Tabbycat (he just said he is coming)
Moose, Turtle, and Nala
William of Mass Destruction
Gigolo Kitty
Kukka-Maria and Brach
Edsel/The Pooch
Badness and Tucker
Knightly, Lizzie, and Firenze
Sammy and Miles
George, Tipper and Max
Fat Eric
Egypt and Dino (Kittens are staying home as they don't feel well)
Finnegan and Buddy
Max and Buddah
The Whippy Curly Tails (all three)
Taz and Angel
Hope this answers your questions, see you tomorrow!! Start meditating at 11:59 A. M. PST
Tomorrow I will give directions on how you can get here fast, and nobody will know you have even left!!!
Sitting quietly, ready to pounce
This am our pond in the Big Piney Woods. I am looking for the geese to come back from wherever geese go in the winter. If you look really hard, you can see the goose nest across the frozen waters, close to the bank on the other side.
For years, geese have hatched out little yellow babies in that nest. Then they have to jump out into the icy waters, never to return to the box again! Mom and Dad geese are very good parents and take extra good care of these little yellow fellows. They grow super-fast, in a couple months, you can hardly tell them from their parents!!! They usually come back early to "claim" the box, much fighting goes on and there is always feathers all over. Mom and Dad have been lucky to actually see the babies right after they were hatched and see them trying to jump out. Sometimes it takes several hours for them to get brave enough, and the parents chatter away at them, coaxing them out of the straw, into the pond. One drawback, however, they are very messy, leaving their "calling card" everywhere for you to step in.
Mom says it is to early yet, but they do come back when there is still ice on the pond. It is funny to watch them set their wings and slide across the ice!
I can never remember if they are called:
Morning Doves (cause they sing in the morning)
Mourning Doves (cause they sound sad)
Dumb Doves (cause they like to take chances)
Mistrie watched this Dumb Dove for a long time and never bothered it. Guess Mom feeds her to good!
No, I never caught it, didn't even try.
I am working on my New Year's Resolution to help Mom more. I started folding socks but my big toes aren't made for that kind of work, so I am practicing my scary look. Are you scairt?
Mistrie says, "Maybe I should come in."
Something strange with our power. The backup power supply to the computer has kicked in four times consecutively; maybe a good day to nap.
I never go in the Big Piney Woods, even on a supervised walk. The trees are tall and there's lots of them. Deer, bear, moose and the occasional elks are out there, not to mention the coyotes and eagles that would get me.
Let me get up here so I can see better.
This is a waste of time. Think I will take a nap.
The next day Mittens tries her paw at helping....
I bet I can find some pieces for you. Let me see.....
By now we are all ready for some green and sun, don't you think? So, mom found a picture she took of me back in the "good ole summertime," while I was out on a supervised walk. My tail is big because there was a lot of strange noises I wasn't used to. Mom wrote me a poem to go along with the picture.
A question
"What are you doing, Miss Patches?" I asked.
"Washing my face, with such kitty grace."
"What do you see, Miss Patches?" I asked.
"A bird in a tree, it's looking at me."
"What are you thinking, Miss Patches?" I asked.
"Thoughts of a cat, what do you think of that?"
"Where are you going, Miss Patches?" I asked.
"Just for a walk, purrchance I shall stalk."
"What are you after, Miss Patches?" I asked.
"I'm looking for mice, now that would be nice."
"Where will you look, Miss Patches?" I asked.
"In the garden I'm sure," and she left with a purr.
Written by Toni ( Calicomom)
Sometime in the summer
Mom says calico cats sometimes have "calicotude." She says I have it pretty bad and she took this picture to show you. Well, I have to say, a girl has a right to have attitude, especially when moms come around with the flashy box all the time. Enough with the pictures mom!!!
Mittens gets it too, usually with me though, not with mom. She is always giving her the loving looks and being sweet. She has mom fooled, but not me. That is why I have to chase her and make her do her growling and hissing; put her in her place and let her know