We would like to bestow our Above And Beyond Award to The Cat Blogosphere, for all they do. We will be sending them a smaller vershun.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007

The snow keeps falling, everyday, in the Big Piney Woods.
A new kitty has been showing up the last few days, to eat. It is a tabby with white paws; taking up residence in one of Mistrie's beds under the deck (she is in the woodshed right now.) I followed it's tracks and they led deep into the Piney Woods, and finally ended up on the neighbors property line, so I turned around. The cat is small, very hungry, and very wild. Mistrie would love a companion, but we are hoping it already has a furrever home. I have named it Winter Storm. It looks like it could be one of Precious' kittens. Please send purrs.
In other news, we are getting company, so won't be around for New Years. We want to wish you all a safe and Happy New Years! See you when the company leaves.
~CalicoMom Toni~
Thursday, December 27, 2007
A Wonderful Gift
Momma got this picher frame from EdselsMom, Sue, for Christmouse. She got the two black kitties from EnglishSue, several years ago, and the napping kitties from EdselsMom, before she had her eye surgery. She added our pichers in, what she calls, a collage of cats. (The frame is magnetic.) It is hanging in the TV room.
~Patches Lady~
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Day After
I am exhausted, after yesterday. Momma and Daddy left us and went to the Big Gurl's house and we asided to party! Momma left us some tuna that Edsel gave us, and Santa left us mousies. We made a slight mess.
~Precious Flower~
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Best Christmas
The best Christmas ever
When we were very small
Sneaking down the staircase
Tiptoeing down the hall.
They were all snug in their beds
Everyone sound asleep
So we were very quiet
Tried not to make a peep
Looking at the Christmas tree
It's lights were all aglow
The moon in it's fullness
Shone down upon the snow
Two tiny kittens nestled
Under the Christmas tree
One was for my sister
The other one for me
The kittens were sleeping
In a basket side by side
In awe we looked at each other
Our exuberance hard to hide
We pinched our self in disbelief
We dare not wonder why
Running to the window
We saw Santa flying by
Scooping them up in our arms
Christmas was complete
A gift beyond compare
Two kittens, oh so sweet
~Calicomom Toni~
Weather Update: It has been snowing since yesterday. Last night, the limbs on all the trees were hanging heavy, the ornamental crab, especially gorgeous, with an inch of snow on every branch. The power went out in the middle of the night, but was back on several hours later. The wind came up, and the snow is off the trees, now. Time to dig out, until the next round.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Please Asplain

~Precious Flower~
Friday, December 21, 2007
Time To Wake Up
I woke her up this morning
A kiss upon her nose
She promptly went back to sleep
Then I attacked her toes
~Patches Lady~
Dec., 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Two Year Anniversary
Patches says I could tell the exciting news! Today we have been blogging two years. We have met so many wonderful friends and we love you all! Here is to another year.
~Mittens Pollypaws~
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Artsy Catsy suggested "Feline Design" or "Precious Interiors"?
Mr. Hendrix suggested "Precious Patterns."
What do you think?
~Precious Flower~
Pee Ess: Hi to my handsome Beezer man!!
Pee Pee Ess: Many of you were worried about me in my speshul nappin place in yesterday's post. I was fine and lay like that a lot, all akimbo. The place is at the top of the stairs. Momma and Daddy have a bedroom that has a railing going around, and it looks down over the main part of the cabin. I love to lay their and watch the goings on. It is MY speshul place.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Oh, The Weather Outside Is Frightful

Momma says efurryone is asking "are you ready for Christmas?" She says efurry year that same question is asked. She says she is ready as she will efurr be. She baked cookies and gave them away, bought and wrapped presents, put up holiday decorations. Now we are hoping for good roads as they are going to the Oldest Gurls house for Christmas. I guess that means we are going to have to nap the day away.
~Patches Lady~
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I Am TWO Today!!!

I have to go plan my strategies. For example, a name for my furrm, how much to charge (I think three temptations an hour would be fair,) and someplace to set up my off-us.
~Precious Flower~
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
On Sunny Spots
To sleep
Purrchance to dream
Of mice and birds
Of sunny spots galore.
To wake
Purrchance to watch
A mouse or bird
In a sunny spot outside.
To meditate
Purrchance to think
Of mice and birds
In my sunny spot on the floor.
~Patches Lady~
Dec. 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
A Good Start
Momma looks at me really close and says, "I love you to pieces." I say, "Merow" in my highest squeeky voice. Momma says, "oh, you little love, you little sweetie, you make me so happy." I purr loudly and say, "Merow," again. That is how we start our day, me and my Momma.
~Mittens Pollypaws~
Friday, December 07, 2007
Hide And Seek
Under the table
On the chair
High in the cat tree
Oh where, oh where.
Inside the closet
Behind the bed
Looking for Mittens
She finds Precious, instead.
~CalicoMom Toni~
Dec., 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007

~Patches Lady~
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Rise And Shine!!!
Marching in place
On the bed, today
I am telling you
Get up, and stay.
You can't be tired
You've napped all night
The moon has set
Soon it'll be light.
I stare at you
My eyes so black
I paw at the covers
Get out of the sack!
~Patches Lady~
Dec. 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Monday Mews
Snow, snow, and more snow!!!!
Winter has really come to the Big Piney Woods, and all of the Pacific Northwest. Even Seattle got snow! It started Saturday night, and by last night we had well over 2 feet! Then it turned to rain, so has packed, and is so heavy it is almost impossible to shovel. Yesterday, it was incredibly beautiful, a marshmallow world. The ski area is set to open on Wednesday, so hope they don't get the rain we are getting in the valley. The schools are closed and the plow has gone passed our place four times yesterday, and again early this morning. We lost reception on our dish 5 times, and had to clean it off. Luckily, we still have power, although the lights have flickered. The cats are unaffected, except when the snow slides off the roof!! Mistrie is keeping warm in the woodshed.
CalicoMom Toni
Winter has really come to the Big Piney Woods, and all of the Pacific Northwest. Even Seattle got snow! It started Saturday night, and by last night we had well over 2 feet! Then it turned to rain, so has packed, and is so heavy it is almost impossible to shovel. Yesterday, it was incredibly beautiful, a marshmallow world. The ski area is set to open on Wednesday, so hope they don't get the rain we are getting in the valley. The schools are closed and the plow has gone passed our place four times yesterday, and again early this morning. We lost reception on our dish 5 times, and had to clean it off. Luckily, we still have power, although the lights have flickered. The cats are unaffected, except when the snow slides off the roof!! Mistrie is keeping warm in the woodshed.
CalicoMom Toni
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