Momma has been so bad about letting us blog, she uses the excuse "busy."
The following things have happened:
Momma's stomach is real good and she is eating like a normal person now, not eating soup all the time. She has cat-a-rack surgery coming up next month.
Momma is at the shelter a lot!! They had their big grand opening and last night an auction. She bought stuff, but she says it is going to stay at the shelter. It is all kitty stuff, things to decorate the walls in the kitty foyer. She also ordered a huge cat tree for the kitten room and purchased a tile to go on the outside of the building. It says "A purr is music played to the heart" with her name on it. She said she is going back to three days a week now.
The snow continues. It is looking like a Christmas card AGAIN!!!
We are all fine. Below is a picture she took of a big boy cat called Davey Jones (blind in one eye) giving a bath to the newcomer Bush. DJ had to hold him in place, he is a rambunctious one year old.